Sunday, September 5, 2010


One of the best parts of late summer is peaches, the juicier, the better.

Don't you just love biting into a succulent peach and having the sweet juice dribble down your chin?  Peaches are so very delicious. 

The summer peaches are so different from their hard, plastic-like winter counterparts.

When I used to eat pie, peach was among my faves.  Mmm mmm. De-lish.

Today, it's more likely I'll be sipping a cup of hot peach tea.

Biting into a ripe, late summer peach gives credence to the expression, "nothing's sweeter than a Georgia peach." 

I like them sliced into breakfast cereal, too, like bite-sized shredded wheat.

Yup. Definitely, peaches are way up on the list of my favorite fruit.



Chatty Crone said...

Believe it or not kiwi. I went to our farmers market yesterday and I got just about every fruit including peaches. I suppose this will be near the last of the 'good' stuff.


Karen Lange said...

My favorites are peaches and strawberries. Love this time of year for peaches. Think I need to head to the farm market and get a bunch:)

diane stetson said...

I love peaches...even canned peaches..all kinds of glad we can get them fresh year round here...yum yum!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

Oh, I really love those sweet, juicy peaches too. And peach pie is probably one of my favorites too. I like berries and melons too. Citrus isn't a favorite and grapefruit is just awful!

Susan said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting girls. You are all, well, "peaches." Love, Susan

BECKY said...

Hi Susan! The picture of the peaches makes my mouth water, all by itself! It looks like one of my kindred spirits and I have the same choices: peaches and strawberries! - Ms Karen Lange! :)

My Dream Canvas said...

This is beautiful. I am hosting a 50 dollar CSN Giveaway on my blog. I would love for you to stop by. Thanks Anu!

Erin | Bygone Living said...

I love peaches... definitely one of my top three favorite fruits :) ♥

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