Monday, November 29, 2010

The Beauty of Salads

With the holidays fast approaching, it's important for me to remember to eat healthy meals. 

There is usually so much "junk" available that fruits and veggies can easily take a back seat.

One present I plan to give myself this holiday season is to eat lots of salad. There are so many hundreds of yummy kinds that one certainly does not have to feel deprived.

While traveling last month, I ate salad a lot. Roasted beet salad  (shown above) sounded intriguing to me and, quite honestly, it tasted absolutely delicious. Roasting the beets made them sweet. The salad also had pistachios and chevre (goat cheese) mousse. This salad could easily be duplicated at home.

A Cobb salad had lots of chopped tomatoes, onions, bacon bits, green onions, chopped chicken and  avocado, chopped hard boiled eggs. It came with thick and yummy blue cheese dressing. Yumma dum dum!

Just this past Thanksgiving, one of my sisters brought her signature chopped green salad to the meal. It really made the feast extra special.  She even made the radishes look lovely by cutting them in zig zag fashion.  With  homemade balsalmic dressing, the salad became as popular as ol' Tom turkey, himself.  She served chopped onions on the side, since not everyone indulges in them.



Bookie said...

Looks yummy to me...I am going to try and hit salads this week. Have lots of greens and will throw in an apple and curried pecans. Also some raw pumpkin seeds will be a nice addition!

Jan Cline said...

Im thinking turkey salad with dried cranberries, feta cheese and almonds. It will be so nice to flush out all the heavy stuff from the last few days!
Beautiful pics!

Kansas Amy said...

Those look so yummy. I really need to be eating better.. a salad is on the menu tomorrow! Hope all is well Susan!

Ciara Brehony said...

It's amazing how easy it is to create something incredible with a salad with just a dash of imagination!
A local restaurant, Avoca, has revolutionised food and in particular salads here over the last few years, and they have now gone global with beautiful books. Salads will never be the same here!!

Yes, there's nothing nicer than a shot of fresh salad in the midst of all the wintry comfort food!

Linda O'Connell said...

I love salad, and don't know why I don't eat more. You have encouraged me.

From Beyond My Kitchen Window said...

One of my favorite salads are romaine, chick peas, dried cranberries, yellow peppers and lite balsamic vinaigrette.

Claus said...

Asian salad: lettuce, carrots, pineapple, nuts, and oriental dressing (I think it has honey, mustard, sesame and some sort of vinegar). Delicious!! That's my favorite at a local salad bar place.
Salads are indeed a good option: nutritious, delicious, and easy to make!
have a great day!

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

I have several salad recipes that I use over and over again. I just had a salad tonite topped with corn and feta cheese. Didn't get to eat until 9:30 pm after my day of running around like crazy. Now it is off to bed. Have a great rest of the day. :) Tammy

Anonymous said...

I eat so much greenery, it's amazing I don't turn green! I love, love salads..and fresh baked Italian breads.....the combination is amazing!

mushrooms, green onions, pressed garlic, basil, oregano, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, grape tomatoes, feta cheese, sundried black olives, seasame seeds, fennel seeds....a little salt and pepper...and pickled hot peppers too...and's my 'everyday' salad!

my casual salad favourite is...eating fresh green soft buttery lettuce leaves with leftover homemade pizza...I mean literally stuffing my face with one huge leaf at a time, with one bite of pizza role.....

I live on lettuce!

thanks for asking!
ciao bella
creative carmelina

Anonymous said...

ooops, I almost forgot another one of my fav's...

baby spinach leaves, with a drizzle of honey and olive oil, sliced fresh strawberries, thinly sliced red onion rings..... and a little salt and prepare to lick thine lips!

okay. ... . so maybe I should write a book...
or start another blog! lol

ciao again!

creative carmelina

Chatty Crone said...

Okay that Cobb Salad was the one for me - it looked soooooooooooo good. sandie

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