Thursday, November 25, 2010

THANKSGIVING DAY, 2010: And I Am Thankful For........YOU!

This Thanksgiving, there is so much to be thankful for, despite the economy. 

Personally, I am deeply grateful for my family, friends, and all the readers and followers of this one-year-old blog.

Now I'm going to "talk turkey."  Without you, this blog would just be writing on a computer screen.  No human heart would feel joy or sadness over a post. There would just be black words against a pale, impersonal background.

You, the readers and followers, give me the impetus to do a daily post, seven days a week regardless of whether I am busy, tired, or working on a long "to do" list.

You also make me want to take my camera with me wherever I go, so no good photo taking opportunities get missed.

So thanks, dear readers and followers. Each of you is so important to me. No matter where you live or what you do, I appreciate your reading my blog. You are the best of the best!

The photos shown are decorations in the hall of our front entryway. Hope you enjoy them.

I wish a blessed and abundant Thanksgiving Day to each of you. 



Bookie said...

I feel much the same about my own year long blog. It was nice to get up on this frosty and dark morning to the brightness and cheer of your post before I start the oven, brew the tea, begin my day. Happy Thanksgiving....

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Happy Thanksgiving dear Susan! You are so right that blogs would be nothing without our readers. I am thankful for so very much and blogging is one of them for sure! Time to get cooking!
hugs, Linda

Claus said...

Happy Thanksgiving!, though it is not a celebration in Guatemala. Just a regular work day for us down here, but I am thankful - always - for the many things I've been giving. My life for starters. I made a list! if you care to go check it out at my corner whenever you have a spare moment on this busy day.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hey Susan! Wishing you and yours a bright and beautiful day filled with warmth, love and many blessings. We had school and work around here so I ordered and turkey and the fixens and picked it up on the way home. Usually ever year I spend hours in the kitchen cooking. This time, I only made pumpkin pie. :) Enjoy the day. Tammy

Erin | Bygone Living said...

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! ♥

mo said...

Susan! Hey what do you know? It worked. *Clapping* Happy Thanksgiving to you and I am so glad you like the new button. You have such great taste so thank you for the compliment. Have a great holiday. *hugs*

BECKY said...

I feel the same, too, Susan! You and all of my blog friends, whether they are "official" followers or not...mean the world to me and have truly enriched my life! Happy Thanksgiving!

diane stetson said...

I had a great Thanksgiving with my two darling grandsons giving me the greatest joy!

Chatty Crone said...

You are right - without readers = friends - our blogs would be a lonely place. Happy turkey day.


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