Friday, June 15, 2012

Biscotti Anyone?

Biscotti are a kind of  crunchy, rectangular Italian cookie.

They come in all flavors. My husband likes just plain as well as almond. I think lemon and chocolate are yummy.

We both enjoy dipping them in coffee.

Last weekend  I went to a wonderful annual indoor tag (yard) sale at the Community Center in Great Barrington, MA.  

This was the second year in a row this sale called to me. There were lots of tables, arranged according to price, like the $3 table, $2 table and so on.

My eyes scanned the merchandise with radar alert.  

A brightly colored container immediately caught my attention. It was a biscotti holder!  

At first, I thought it might have been made in Italy as the colors were vibrant and cheerful.  Wrong. It was made in China.

That would be perfect for biscotti, I said to myself. 

What table was I at?  The $1.00 table?  

You've got to be kidding, I thought. There was a tiny nick at the base of the container and yes, it cost $1.00. 

Sold! It now brightens up a corner of the kitchen counter.  I'm so glad I went to that sale.

Joining Thrifty Things Friday on Kathy's blog, The Thrifty Groove.



Red Rose Alley said...

Oh my friend, I have to say that I like brights more. I think it is my heritage - Greek and Spanish. I love to look at pastels, but my heart goes with bright colors. I have splashes of red in my kitchen. I love this vase, and it is perfect for goodies. I've never tried biscotti before, but have always wanted to. What a delightful post today.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Linda @ A La Carte said...

I don't often have biscotti but the jars are always so colorful! I would have bought this in a minute for $1...great find! Hugs, Linda

Ruth Kelly said...

I am a true bright color person - my heritage if Polish and English.

Joyful said...

That's a beautiful container. I prefer brightly coloured pieces; mostly I like them in cobalt blue but I have also bought multicoloured (with blue). See a pattern? lol. Hope you're having a lovely day.

middle child said...

I have found myself drawn to the same type of colors in the jar you got. This is a recent desire of mine.
I used to make biscotti for my babies to teethe on. Perhaps it's time to make some more.

Bookie said...

You got a real bargain and colorful too! I have never eaten just looks too hard!

Unknown said...

I love the colors of this cookie jar :-)

Chatty Crone said...

I would have bought that myself. I don't really like biscotti, but my husband loves it. I love COLORS!

love, sandie

my little cottage said...

nice post thanks for sharing...cute blog blessings

Diann said...

I have a bisqotti jar with the same colors. And I love it. You found a great thrifty jar! Thank you for sharing at TTF and have a great day!

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