Monday, May 13, 2024

A Blessed Mothers Day to Mothers Everywhere

At this time of year, splendor is everywhere.

Flowers are blooming, trees are covered with millions of blossoms in different colors, the air is fresh, birds are chirping, and the sun pours down on everything.  

It is a perfect time of year to celebrate Mother's Day.

Mothers are synonymous with love.

There is absolutely nothing in the world more precious than a mother's love for her child.

She suffers to give life to that tiny baby and then, for the rest of her life, she is dedicated to that child.

A mother encourages, motivates,  nurtures, teaches, and pours her heart out for all of her children for the rest of her life.

What an incredible job it is to be a mother. 

It is the hardest job in the world but the most rewarding.

Happy Mother's Day today to mothers everywhere.

It is your day. Be sure to celebrate the most precious person you know-----yourself. 

Happy Blessed Mother's Day to each and every mother who sees this blog.

You are so very special and no one, anywhere, could ever take your place.


Red Rose Alley said...

What a beautiful Mother's Day post, and your pictures show the season of Spring blossoming in every direction. I especially liked that second photo of the sun shining on the pink blossom tree. You're right, being a Mother is the most special job in the world....and a blessing, indeed.

Have a wonderful Mother's Day, my dear Susan.


Shug said...

stunning blooms everywhere. These are so very pretty. Happy Mother's Day...Hope your day is filled with much love..

diane stetson said...

Happy Mother's day Susan. I know being a Mom is a wonderful thing.

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