Sunday, September 19, 2010

Fall Is In The Air

One recent autumn day, touched with golden sunshine and cool temps, I was out and about doing errands.

Since Honey Cat, our grandmother feline, is losing weight and may have kidney trouble, we decided to switch her diet to veterinarian prescribed dry and canned food. So it was off to pick it up from the doctor's office. 

Outside the veterinary office,  a pot of chrysanthemums punctuated the air with saucy color.  The flowers looked like bright lollipops in a dazzling array of pinks and yellow. They required a run to the car for my camera to share them with you through pictures!

Behind the mums was the sweetest faux bunny family. At first glance, they could be mistaken for real. They were very cute.

Then, off to an orchard to get some favorite extra sharp Cabot cheddar cheese from Vermont. Once the orchards close at the end of October, this cheese, fresh from a farmer, will be unavailable until next spring. Even though our family has tried the store bought Cabot cheeses, which are very good, none can compare to the fresh ones.

The ladies inside were making apple cider donuts, pies, cookies, and turnovers, and the smell of cinnamon could be detected way outside.  Unfortunately, we have sworn off eating donuts  because they are mostly sugar and fat, but boy, they sure smelled divine. ( Would a half dozen of them make a good snack?  How about a dozen with a big glass of milk?)

Of course, outside the little store  a lovely display of different colored mums and pumpkins welcomed visitors. They looked perfect in the rural setting, with sweeping hills in the distance.

Ahhhh, fall. Could you please stop from passing by quickly?  Linger on as long as possible. Who wants to look forward to slippery roads, dirty snowbanks, and ice on the windshield?  (Unfortunately, we do not have a garage.)

Seeing the pumpkins, mums, scarecrows, and other bounty of fall make one so grateful to be alive, to be well, and able to savor such delights of autumn.



  1. Such pretty pictures! My favorite part of fall is the crisp air and the wildflowers.

  2. I love fall!!!! Your pictures are lovely. They represent fall so nicely.

  3. I love taking walks in the fall. The vivid colors bring me to the edge of a giggle. I love autumn!

  4. Your pictures are lovely! Hope that your Sunday is swell,


  5. This makes me want to take a drive to the Mountains! I probably will later in the Fall. Such pretty flowers!

  6. Like it all but love the vibrancy of the pumpkins. It was hot as Hades here yestrday afternoon after some fall days. I am hoping autumn returns soon,and like you, I want it to linger!

  7. Those pumpkins are outstandingly beautiful.

    I like the crisp air. Gives me energy.

    Our older kitty, Angela, is on the kidney diet. You need to take out a bank loan to buy the stuff. When I see my younger kitty, Erica, eating Angela's food, I go positively nutso.

    "Stop, Erica. Do you have any idea of what that costs??'s NOT GOOD FOR YOU!"

    She doesn't listen...

    P.S. the top picture is zinnias.

  8. How I wish fall would hurry and just get here already! Patience.

  9. Oh how I love all the flavors and sights of fall. I'll be heading to our orchard next weekend. Can't wait!

  10. Hi Susan -

    Stunning pictures! The air is getting crisp here, and we now need sweaters in the evening. Pumpkins and mums are everywhere.

    Susan :)

  11. Pumkins!! we do not have that kind around here. They look so beautiful together with the yellow flowers. So lucky you have Autumn!!
    have a great day!
