Thursday, September 16, 2010

For Dayle's Simple Pleasures Party: A Tree

How many trees do you pass on a daily basis?

Most people go by dozens of these gems of nature but how many people stop and take time to really look at them? 

Peering up into the branches of a tree that has been around for a couple hundred years has got to be one of life's greatest yet most simple pleasures.  Standing beneath a canopy of leafy branches is a humbling experience.

Whenever life's difficulties weigh heavily on the heart, take a walk outside. Find a tree and really look at it. Let your eyes go all the way up to the top, where the birds build nests and squirrels do circus acrobats.
Isn't it wonderful that such a simple pleasure can fill you with awe?

Today's post was written for a Simple Pleasures party at Dayle's blog, A Collection of  This and That    It's fun to see what constitutes a Simple Pleasure for others, too,  so  check out all the other entries. It's a lot of fun.  Dayle's blog button is in the sidebar, too!


  1. "I think that I shall never see a thing as lovely as a tree" Joyce Kilmer (something like that..I had to memorize it in grammer school fifty some years ago)...

  2. When I was a child I would climb the tree in front of our house to get away from my brothers to read and daydream.I love the pine tree in my back yard right now hummingbirds rest in it after visiting my feeder.

  3. Susan,
    You are so right! We pass these beauties every day without so much as a glance and until they fall or cause some other damage we don't pay any attention to them. Thank you for giving them the spotlight for this week's Simple Pleasure.


  4. Oh, Susan. This is a post after my own heart. I adore trees. During our recent travels, I can't count how many pics of tress I took. It got a bit humorous after awhile, but there were so many wonderful species to admire. They are one of life's greatest simple pleasures. Loved this.

  5. Well ... I meant to say "trees" and not "tress" but you get the idea. LOL

  6. Trees are why we call someone who cares about and love trees" Tree Huggers ". Very nice post.

  7. Trees inspire me to create thoughts, words, stories. I too love trees, especially those bushy, soft needled pines or evergreens.

  8. Your post is so very true. Sometimes, it is easy to forget the good and simple things around you,


  9. Gem of Nature, perfect words for these magnificent plants!

  10. I thought of the same thing as comment number one. Grin.

    I love trees. When I was little and fancied myself a writer or poet, I would sit under them and try to "ode". I also loved to climb them,and am STILL tempted periodically. You never know, I might climb one yet.

  11. I try to walk in the woods near our home everyday...b/c that's where I feel alive and free and peaceful. The photo of the tree is wonderful....

  12. Trees are one of God's masterpieces and we take them for granted. Such a simple "simple pleasure" but one of the best of things.

  13. I love looking at trees. The countless number of beautiful leaves on a single tree exemplify God's extravagant love to me.

  14. Love, love LOVE trees. They're all so majestic to me. Although my tall pines are a mess, they are breathtaking to behold against a blue sky.

  15. Trees are a passion of mine. When we bought our property there was not one single thing on the entire 5 acres except weeds.

    So far I've planted over 150 trees and probably about 200 shrubs.

    My very favorite hobby is pruning those trees. I never go out to garden without a pruning saw and special pruning clippers. I consider pruning trees the same way I feel about cutting hair - it's an art form.

  16. I love trees too. If you sit out on a hot and blistery day - and look up at the trees - you can almost see energy coming out of them - I know that sounds weird - but I can see it when I look hard.


  17. I agree, trees are fantastic and a wonderful simple pleasure. I especially love to hear their leaves rustling in the wind and can't wait for autumn when the leaves turn colour..
