Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Gift of Eyesight for Dayle's Simple Pleasures Party

It is so easy, and so human, to take some things totally for granted.

Most of us are born, grow up to be adults, and think very little about the incredible gifts we have received in our lifetimes, such as the gift of eyesight.

Only when I contemplate what it must be like to live in darkness do I begin to be filled with gratitude for eyes that work.  Eyesight has got to be one of life's simple but grandest pleasures.

Right now, as the leaves on trees in New England start to change color and punctuate the landscape with startling beauty, there is nothing more enriching than to lift one's eyes into the bosom of the trees and drink in the luscious colors.  What grandeur! What magnificence!  It's better than viewing a masterpiece painting since it is a living creation.

It's fun to see little birds, perching their fragile bodies on branches way up at the tops of trees. They could care less about heights as they flit from branch to branch, singing melodious tunes. How blessed we are to see so many touches of a Master's handiwork everywhere we look.

Yes, eyesight is a simple pleasure too awesome for more words. It truly is a gift from a King.

Check out other Simple Pleasures at Dayle's blog, A Collection of This and That  It's a lot of fun. Dayle's blog button is in the sidebar, too!


  1. Truly! Our tree's aren't quite so full of color yet, here in Vermont but they're trying to catch up with you :)

    Blessings to you.

  2. How I long to see trees of this color. We don't seem to make as many in the South as this!
    I know of just a few in my rural area! I've seen pictures and I hope one day to visit.
    Breath-taking and yes, I too am grateful for sight.
    Joining you over at Dayle's.

  3. Yes, eyesight is a gift. My sister is blind and while she lives a wonderful life, I know the challenges she experiences.

    The photos are lovely, Susan. Thanks for sharing them!


  4. It's always good to remember to count your blessings. With three young adults in college and living their lives out and about I count my blessings every time I hear their cars pull into the driveway.

  5. Susan,
    What awesome beauty you have all around you at this time of year! I can't wait for our trees to start turning. Thanks for this great Simple Pleasure.


  6. I couldn't agree more, Susan. I think the gift of sight is one of God's masterpieces.

  7. Gorgeous photos! Eyesight is truly a gift from God to be treasured.

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  8. HI Susan! What a great post - it is spectacular, the New England autumn, isn't it? I had to laugh at a question you asked a few posts back - if we liked our kitchen windows with, or without, curtains.. I would just dearly love to have a window in my kitchen! If there is one thing I would change about my house, that would be it. I'd feel like a queen!! And that is a GORGEOUS piece of pink glass that you displayed!! I hope you have a great weekend - the rain is finally leaving! Yeah! And thanks so much for your kind comment on my recent STRESS post :)... Donna

  9. Gorgeous colors and yes, we are so blessed to enjoy them. Autumn is my favorite season. Enjoy the turning of the leaves and fall carpet. It really does make the heart glad to see such beauty.
    Dorothy :)

  10. What beautiful pictures! Our leaves are only just now starting to turn. Hope that you are well,


  11. Susan,
    I teach my students to stop in their tracks when they see a butterfly or other beautiful sight and thank God for their eyes and the object. Gorgeous trees.

  12. You gave me not one but two treats this morning. I love the picture of that tree just BURSTING with autumn color. It was a common sight as a little girl in New England, but I haven't had the simple pleasure of such a sight in nearly forty years of living here in the south.

    Plus, you wrote the reminder of the simple pleasure of seeing it. As my eyesight begins to fade with age, I understand that more these days.

  13. Oh your pictures are beautiful! I wish I lived again where I could see them like that. Everything is green still here though a few of our trees are starting to have a few (as in two or three) brown leaves.

  14. yes...yes...yes.. not only physical eyes to see all this amazing beauty...but spiritual eyes that see too.

  15. Oh, you gave me goosebumps! Those are such beautiful sights indeed, and we should most certainly treasure them and the gift of being able to see them. Just this week, as I took a snack in for my son's 1st grade class, I saw an elementary-aged blind boy walking into the school with a cane. It nearly stopped me in my tracks. In that moment, I didn't take it for granted. And it makes me wonder what the blind can "see" that we don't. I love this!

  16. The beauty of Fall is in it's leaves. We need to look up always!

  17. Indeed. A wonderful and priceless gift. We are so lucky!! just as you are for having that amazing foliage around! It must be quite a display.
    have a great day!

  18. Oh how very true! I love the beautiful colors in this tree!
    Dee Dee

  19. How true! My Mom is now suffering from macular degeneration. Although she is being treated with the most current procedures, her sight will never again be perfect. We often forget to appreciate the gift of sight until it is lost. Thank you for this post.

    Susan and Bentley

  20. Lovely photos, never take your eyesight for granted. My mom is legally blind from diabetes, and she said she would have rather have lost a limb than her sight. It changes your world - forever.

  21. Hi Susan, I knew your Autumn posts would be beautiful! :) Gorgeous Fall colors in the leaves of those magnificent trees. I miss that so much. Blessings, Tammy

  22. Oh how gorgeous are these pictures. And your right. The gift of eyesight sometimes is simply taken for granted. I wish I too lived somewhere where the seasons changing brings such a burst of color. Blessings, Debbie

  23. Yes, a beautiful gift--thanks for the reminder!

    Your pictures are lovely. Every few years we have a gorgeous fall here in Arkansas--Not so this year, the many days of over 100 degrees stressed everything out. But, there is beauty even in the old brown sticks and limbs. I am grateful to be able to view them.

  24. That is a great simple pleasure Susan. We are so lucky to be able to see God's handiwork - and it is so pretty besides! sandie

  25. Hi Susan! Oh, I've wanted to see those beautiful New England fall trees for years! Maybe someday! Fortunately, we do have gorgeous trees here, too. They're no where near their peek yet, and I'm glad, because I like them to last as long as possible! And yes, I do stop and think about how grateful I am for my sight and my hearing! Thank you!

  26. Beautiful pictures for the eyes to see and enjoy thanks for sharing as I am new to simple pleasures but love trying to read each one !!!

  27. What glorious beauty! His creation..and your words also..speak volumes. How lovely! blessings..Trish
