Saturday, November 27, 2010

Flowers in a Punch Bowl: Post for Saturday,November 27, 2010

One year, when we lived in the southwest, my dearest friend invited me in to see her Christmas tree.

Without a doubt, it was the most gorgeous tree I had ever seen in my life. Period. It stood tall, full, and majestic and had cascades of gold ribbons streaming down from its top. Dozens of gold ornaments filled almost all the branches and white lights reflected in their shiny surfaces. My friend decorated with style and the precision of an interior designer.

Ever since then, I have stuck to decorating our Christmas tree with gold adornments but have added a few touches of pink, as well.   You'll see photos of it this season.

Before all the decorations are put up throughout the house, I want to show you an example of how my dear friend gets double use out of objects.  Shown in photos in this post is an arrangement of sunflowers.  The perky flowers sit in an old-fashioned, beautiful cut glass punch bowl with a silver bottom and little silver feet.

Now I never would have thought to do that. Who needs vases when there's an antique punch bowl around, right? 

All day Friday, I hauled boxes down the attic stairs. Got a pretty good start on holiday decorating but there's still a long way to go. My dear husband, (God bless that man), took about four hours to assemble the seven foot Christmas tree. I wanted, so much, for him to put the lights on, too, so I could start decorating the tree but he said it'd have to wait until tomorrow. Now I know I could probably do it myself but he does a much better job so I'll be patient. It's so hard to wait, don't you think?



  1. That is beautiful in that punch bowl. Great idea! I am working on my decorations. I love to decorate.

  2. Beautiful! I always love crystal --- and of course I love flowers --- so they make a perfect pairing!

    I decorate just a little for the holidays. I like to leave things mostly as they are, allowing elements of Christmas to be added to the decor as part of a total look. For me, they have to meld, as I don't like Christmas decorations added like mis-matched lipstick.

  3. It's amazing when folks think outside the box and come up with something so beautiful. I will wait til December to think about Christmas decorating. I'm thinking to go a little more simpler this year. Maybe a small tree. I am in the process of cleaning right now. Need to get some order around here before I can think of doing anything else. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. :) Tammy

  4. Susan,
    What an innovative idea. We used to have a seven foot tree, now we have one half that size, a fluffy little cutie that takes up less space and makes me just as happy. I have a large decorative brandy snifter that holds beach sand and sea shells. I recently decided to be innovative. Instead of hanging another framed photo, I inserted a 5"x7" photo of us on our cruise inside the snifter. It looks like a beautiful backdrop.

  5. Your punch bowl is exquisite... and the flowers are lovely in it.

  6. I decorate a little - mostly because the packing away and cleaning up is left solely to me. Can't get that German shepherd of mine to do a thing around here other than guard and sleep! Hope that you are keeping well,


  7. I need you to come to my house and decorate. We haven't done it in two years but my daughter was here this year and made us put half of it out. I have to say it is pretty. I love your decorating ideas.

  8. Hi Susan! Beautiful punchbowl arrangement! Love the various textures. I used to haul out 4 Rubbermaid tubs and really go all out on Christmas decor. Not so much any more. Just don't feel the need to. So decorations at Heaven's Walk are kept simple, very natural, with no glitz or glitter. I want them to look like I pulled them in from the woods out back! :)

    xoxo laurie

  9. what a beautiful idea to do with flowers...yes I love to decorate...I started today, and my DH and I had a time with our tree as some of the lights wouldn't light up??? So we had to add a strand of lights, looks tacky I think good thing I have a ton of ornaments to hide that cord. Remember when that was all we had was to string lights around and around the tree instead of the prelit ones you buy now. We have taken more and more exercise away even with Christmas trees no wonder I can't lose weight!!! :) anywho looking forward to seeing your tree...Debb

  10. Your bowl is beautiful! I love, love, love to decorate for Christmas - I love to have something in each room in our home!

  11. I don't do near as much as I used to in the way of decorating.

    I've found that pretty much anything that holds water can hold flowers. I love to use different jars (like mason) in the kitchen for flowers.

    The punch bowl is beautiful...

  12. I hardly decorate at all...just a few things...but it always pleases me to look at them anyway!

  13. You are a smart gal - great idea with the punch bowl - flowers. I like to decorate somewhere in the middle - lol. sandie

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    I've got to scramble to keep up with your prodigious output!
