Thursday, December 2, 2010

Simple Holiday Decoration

Today I'm joining the Simple Pleasures party over at Dayle's blog, A Collection of This and That.

At holiday time, I love to decorate to the hilt. However, it's not necessary to spend a lot of money on holiday decorations.  Most of the ones around here came from yard sales and thrift shops. 

A Christmas card from previous years now decorates a counter in a downstairs bathroom. It's such a cute card and brings a smile to my face every time I see it. I simply cut off the front of the card and put it on a little holder.

To me, it's a Simple Pleasure, perfect for the holiday season.

Now be sure to hop on over to Dayle's blog, A Collection of This and That, and check out all the other simple pleasures. Her blog button is in the sidebar, too!


  1. What a GREAT idea!
    I'm both fiscally and CREATIVELY challenged ... but think yours is a winner.
    What's that about imitation being a sincere form of flattery? :)

  2. Delightful card, Susan ... and great inspiration to readers. I enjoy saving special Christmas cards and find they're also great fillers for scrapbooks during the holiday season.

  3. What a great idea - cute card. Simple is best.


  4. Couldn't agree with you more!
    Past cards are treasures to re-use and enjoy over and over! This one makes me smile too :-)

  5. love the card too. Really cute and the words...are great.

  6. Great idea - great placement! (I sometimes keep a few frames ready to receive special cards, too...)

  7. What a great idea! I used to cut the front of cards and use them as postcards for a simple send to say hello. For the Holidays, we've also wrapped some of our picture wall hangings and placed them back up on the wall. They look like special little gifts :)

  8. RIght up my alley! I just love to save and reuse/redesign. That way, the card keeps on giving. Great idea and great simple pleasure.

  9. My collections, too, are the result of years of discount shopping :o) I'm not embarrased to say. It is probably the only way I could have ever managed to have all the little treasures that make my holidays all the more cozy and happy. I, coincidentally, talked about my snowmen collection today! If you have a spare moment, do drop by and check my obsession with snow!, something I have yet to experience.
    have a lovely day!!

  10. Susan, we are two peas in a pod! I too frame Christmas cards - some are just too pretty not to. Joining you at Dayle's.

  11. That is an adorable card! How cute to display it like that. Simple and Thrifty!

  12. What a good idea for a decoration Susan!

  13. Hello Susan, I too save Chrtistmas cards and will put special ones out year after year. This is a cute card. Kathleen.
