Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Sweet" Fun on Valentine's Day

Making and decorating sugar cookies is a tradition around here for Valentine's Day.

A great set of heart-shaped cookie cutters bought a couple of years ago has several different sized hearts. 

Several dozen cookies baked in the oven on Monday so they were all ready to be decorated on the day of love. They will all be given away as gifts.

First came the assembling of all the supplies.

Canned frosting doesn't cut it. Instead, I use homemade cream cheese frosting. (Confectionery sugar, cream cheese, a teaspoon or so of vanilla, and a sprinkle of milk. Whip it all together with the mixer. That's all there is to it and it's delish.)

To make different colors of frosting, I use paper cups. This eliminates washing a lot of dishes. When a cup is all used up, into the trash it goes.

I like to get the tubes of frosting where tips with different designs can be screwed on. They are great for making little flowers.

Green frosting in tubes for writing on cakes makes good stems and even leaves.

Also, I like to use lots of sprinkles and red cinnamon candies.

As the decorating goes on and on and on, the fancy flowers and stems get less and less and less.  ha ha ha

Finally, frost and dip. That's it. Still festive but easy. 

After a couple of hours decorating cookies, there was still a big pile left, due to doubling of the original recipe.                          

Into a plastic bag they went and are now in the freezer for        another time.                                                                             

Enough was enough. Bye bye Valentine's day.                  



  1. Your cookies are pretty, and look yummy as well.

  2. The cookie making is a great tradition. Love the flower power decorating!

    No funny stories to tell - sorry.

    Happy Valentine's Day sweet friend!

  3. Looks so yummy and a lot of fun! Had a marvelous Valentine's. Hubby brought me flowers, daughter visited and brought flowers and a balloon and I didn't have to cook. That is always a reason to smile. Happy Valentine's Day! Kit

  4. Cookies are very temping.. Today i made a cake and gave it to a friend for valentine's day... He is 82 and was so surprised.

  5. OOOOhhhh....will there be some cookies in the mail for me??!! :D
    They look delicious, Susan! Happy Valentine's Day to you, dear friend!

  6. I went to Anaheim for a dinner/dance show with a friend. It was spectacular and the food was terrific. It was a gift from my two grandsons...loved it! Happy Valentine's day. Your cookies look great!

  7. Your talent is endless, Susan. These cookies are so cute.

  8. Very pretty cookies! I do love cookies and yours look so delicious :)

    Jamie had a dr appt (any day now) and I watched the kids. Afterwards when John got home and their Daddy arrived, we had a Valentine's Day dinner. Then into their jammies. I still have some treats leftover so just like your cookies... off to the freezer for safekeeping!

  9. Looks like it was a "sweet" day at your house!!! Yum.

  10. You have got me drooling! I LOVE sugar cookies but I have given up sugar:(( Yours look better than the ones I used to buy in WalMart!So good to hear from you--I need to get back out to the blogs.

  11. These are so sweet. This is something that me and Ash have been doing since she was 3.....every year for Valentine's Day. Yum.

  12. Oh, I love love love to decorate sugar cookies. I'm so glad you are keeping the tradition alive. So pretty. I made heart scones yesterday and my dh and I had a little tea. You can see all my pix on my blog.
    Love ya,

  13. Making and decorating cookies sounds like a great tradition. We have always given each other chocolate and a sweet card. I make a nice dinner. hugs, Linda

  14. Yum! Yum! Yum! I bet they taste just as good as they look. Canned or boxed anything doesn't taste good to me anymore. Homemade is always best. Wishing you a wonderful rest of the day. Tammy

  15. Wow! Those cookies looks tasty, the icing with lovely roses. After the dinner last night, we both sat in our combined music/art studio and working away [hehe]
    Have a lovely day!


  16. Very pretty cookies - love the pink flowers. So who do you give the cookies to? I bet it took you all day to do those.

    Very pretty.
