Friday, March 2, 2012

Flowers, We've Got Flowers, We've Got Lots and Lots of Flowers

An anniversary spanning three-plus decades of marriage deserves celebration.

My hubs and I just passed such a triumph. 

Because we both love flowers, that's what we gave each other. Lots and lots of flowers.

One of my dear sisters sent us money inside an anniversary card. So what did I buy with it?  More flowers!

This anniversary week (I also believe in extending celebrations), we have a huge bouquet of multicolored magnificent roses on the kitchen table.

Also, a vase filled with fragrant lilies with one sweet pink rose in the middle graces a table in the front hallway.

A deliciously fragrant pink hyacinth sits on a corner table in the hallway.

Looking at the multi-colored roses, my hubs said, "The different colors represent all the years of our marriage."

There were good years and horrid ones----years we want to remember forever and years we are quite happy to forget.

That's what marriage is like and that's what life is like, too. It's a mixture of good and bad times.

When all those years are shared by two people who love each other, life is, in the final analysis, an incredible journey and a precious, priceless gift.  

My heart fills with the deepest imaginable gratitude to God when I look at my dear hubs and our anniversary flowers.  

Now, on to the next decade!



  1. Hello Everyone!

    This blog's 278th Follower came on board today and is titled Encourage One Another. Welcome! So happy you decided to Follow.

    Here's to a terrific weekend for all. Keep safe and happy. Sending you hugs. Susan

  2. Susan, Happy Anniversary to you and your husband! What a beautiful way to celebrate, with flowers, especially roses! What you said about marriage is SO true...some times are good, wonderful, great, etc.....and some are just awful! But when you love each other and are willing to make it works! Hugs!

  3. Congratulations on your wonderful marriage! I love flowers and they are so special they add to the celebration! hugs, Linda

  4. Happy anniversary! Enjoy all those beautiful flowers and many more years together. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  5. "Oh how we danced on the night we were wed...we gave our sweet vows though a word wasn't said"...those are the words from an anniversary song that I love. Mom used to sing it in Polish...Happy Anniversary Susan!

  6. Happy anniversary!! what a beautiful post, I could almost smell the flowers. Also thank you so much for stopping by my Blog and posting a sweet comment. I'm going going to follow this darling blog of yours.
    Wish you a wonderful weekend.

  7. Well, after reading this post, I'm going to celebrate the next one - with FLOWERS! (And what an interesting observation -- about the diverse colors of the roses representing the various years of your marriage!)

    Congratulations to both of you!

  8. I love it that the colors represent the years. Happy Anniversary.

  9. Happy Anniversary!!!!
    Such beautiful flowers - I love roses! These are just gorgeous!! Have a fantastic celebration and a wonderful weekend!


  10. Susan, Your blogs are always a pleasant break as they provide a nice spot of warmth and pleasantness. Congratulations on your anniversary and thank you for sharing your flowers. I could enjoy the fragrance!

  11. Susan, you flowers are beautiful! I can't think of a better way to celebrate an anniversary! Happy Anniversary!

  12. Happy anniversary to you - happy anniversary to you both! I love your flowers - I am so allergic that I wouldn't be able to breathe - but they were sure beautiful to see on your blog! sandie

  13. Happy Happy Anniversary! I love that you bought flowers. So very pretty. We have our 34th anniversary on the 22nd. Hard to believe so many years have passed. Still feels like we just fell in love! Kit

  14. Happy Anniversary, Susan!

    I love roses, and went to the local Botanical Garden yesterday.

    Susan :)

  15. I have been married 50 years so I wish you the very same. The both of you.

    Those roses are so beautiful!

    Roses to me are all part of romantic to remind us. How very blessed we are. As couples.
