Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter's On Its Way


Tomorrow is Easter!

It's been pretty busy around here with Easter dinner preparations well under way.

Yes, it takes a couple of days to pull this off. 

 Everybody vetoed ham, in favor of turkey, mainly because the people coming to Easter dinner love my giblet stuffing.

 It's a recipe I learned from my Lithuanian paternal Grandmother.

It uses a lot of chicken livers which make it really "yummalicious."

On Good Friday, my daughter came over and helped scrunch up a mountain of toasted bread, also for the stuffing.

She also helped a lot with the cheese braid dough (including kneading it) and its luscious cream cheese, lemony filling. mmm mmm mmm

I chopped a ton of onions and celery and cooked a big container of chicken livers in beef broth.

Tomorrow everything will be put together for the stuffing.

There's lots of cleaning to be done, last minute Easter basket wrapping, and setting the dining room table.

Of course, it's been a week where time was spent each night in church, too, to honor the Lord.

It's so good to give honor to Him for all His sweet blessings in our lives.

So the countdown is on.  May each of you have a great evening tonight and eat chocolate!

Will you dream of sugarplums, dancing in your head?  Oh no! That's Christmas.



  1. You have such lovely decorations!
    Happy Easter to you my friend!
    Big hugs

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My favorite song is, In Your Easter Bonnet. After reading the words, "Chicken Livers" I had to go wash my mouth out with chocolate:)

  4. I'm with the other Linda, ick on the 'chicken livers' but I was eating a cinnamon roll so it was OK> wishing you a wonderful Easter with your family.
    Hugs, Linda

  5. Oh I love all your Easter "stickies" on your windows. And I am a lover of bunnies too! We are getting all ready also. I have food to prepare today, and then tomorrow will be crazy fun! Happy Easter! Kit

  6. Happy Easter to you. Your home looks so much fun. sandie

  7. Everything at your house looks very bright and Spring-like! My husband would LOVE the chicken livers. Have a blessed Easter!

  8. Love the decorations. Great pics. Chocolates yum yum. Have a great Easter.

  9. Handel's Hallelujah Chorus from the Messiah is my favorite Easter song. We sang it twice in church this weekend and it fills my heart and soul with love for the Risen Lord. Your house is so inviting..your guests will just love it.
