Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Memories In Objects Around The Home

Isn't it funny how  certain objects in our homes evoke memories of the person who gave them to us?

Just yesterday, I once again retrieved a beautifully painted plate from the pantry to display in a holder .

A sister-in-law who I hardly know painted it and gave it to me once when she was visiting in the United States.

She did such a beautiful job painting the plate.

I've kept it for more than 25 years.

My sister-in-law lives in Brazil and was married to my husband's brother. She's a native Brazilian.

My brother-in-law died from cancer a few years ago.

 Every time I see the hand-painted plate with the sweet yellow roses, I think of my sister-in-law.

How sad it must be to lose one's spouse.

How hard it must be to go on without him.
My heart aches for her.

When I see the plate she made and gave to me, I think of her with warmth and fondness, often whispering a prayer for her peace, happiness, and well being.



  1. That is a pretty plate. Nice that you have the gift to remind you of her. I have tons and tons and tons of stuff around here that remind me of someone, or something. :) Hope your day is great. Tammy

  2. There are certain items I won't ever part with because of the memories they evoke. I love that about things I have. The plate is beautiful!

  3. Beautiful plate and memories of your sister in law. I do have so many gifts that remind me of friends and family. It feels like a hug from them when I look at these objects.

  4. Oh yes, yes, things do remind me of the ones who gifted me with the wonderful objects displayed in my home. I have a painting from Kiev, a plate from India, a lovely scarf from Spain, linen placemats from Ireland...things that are precious to me as the people who gave them to me traveled there and thought of ME..
    I love your painted plate.

  5. Oh, my goodness, Susan! That plate is SO beautiful - I don't recall seeing one is such beautifully muted colors!

    I DO have several things that remind me of significant people in my life--for instance, a recipe box that my grandfather fashioned for me after I saw one too expensive for me to afford as a young married woman....

  6. You see what I mean that your blog looks like a fresh painting every single day.

    That plate is gorgeous. What talent to be able to do that. I am sorry to hear about his death - it must be hard.

    I do have many of my mothers things in my home and I think about her all the time.

    Love, sandie

  7. What a lovely plate! Yes, everything around here is a memento of someone or some place. I have a tiny oil can in my book case...the one Daddy always used to oil my bike from kindergarten on to college!
