Friday, June 29, 2012

Church Yard Sale Candelabra Revamped

Regular readers of this blog know how much I love yard sales. 

Church yard sales are particularly appealing because so many people contribute merchandise to them.  

There's one church sale I've blogged about before that always has great stuff at fabulous prices.

When I popped into that church sale recently, it was at the tail end.  Workers were already stuffing things into boxes, ready to vamoose.

"Fill a bag for $2.00,"  a lady volunteer yelled out.

Holy smokes. That was music to my ears.  

I got cracking and filled a bag with all kinds of doodads including the candle centerpiece in this post.

Now it was a really ugly dark blue but it was so unique as it had four little vases for flowers attached.  Who can go wrong with candles and roses?  

Into the $2.00 bag it went, along with several other items. Can you imagine?  The centerpiece probably cost about a quarter in the end.

Once home, I washed it, then painted it a very pastel pink.  

When it dried, I applied a coat of white paint.

Then I lightly sanded the whole shebang.  At first I didn't like the shabby chic look but it grew on me so I left it.

Then I went into the backyard and snipped some bright red roses that are growing profusely near our porch. They looked so pretty in the little vases.

Also bought some new white candles, made in the USA (for a change) and added them. 

I wrapped strips of paper towel along the bottoms of the candles so they'd fit into the holes a little better.

 Honestly, I don't like crooked candles.

Tah dah!  Here's the final centerpiece that cost approximately 25 cents!

 Today we are joining Thrift Things Friday on Diann's blog, The Thifty Groove. 

Also joining Potpourri Friday on Honey's blog, 2805. 

 Why not go over to those blogs and look at some of the other really cool entries?



  1. Oh what a treat to get such a good deal. Its beautiful with the candles and roses. love to see your other stuff from the $2 bag. :) x

  2. Fill a bag for $2 bucks? Wow!
    Adore what you did to the candelabra, Susan!

    I just read about your daughter's chair below. Please feel free to link if too if you wish. I'm so far behind, all these party links are helping me catch up and visit with everyone!

    Thanks for sharing at Potpourri Friday!

  3. You made this into a real beauty, Susan!! Fantastic job!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. hello susan,

    What a blog.I like this information.

    Southwestern Kitchen

  6. You happened in there at just the right time. And did a great job on making over that candelabra. So pretty with the candles and the fresh flowers. Best wishes for a wonderful day. Tammy

  7. Lovely, I love that candelabra! I can't believe it was only a quarter.

  8. Now this is one of the cutest candle holders I've seen in a long time. Love the little vases! Your revamp is great...Love the shabby chic look! hugs, Linda

  9. Wow, great score at the sale! And your redo is so pretty. Nicely done! Thank you for sharing this with us at TTF. I hope you have a fantastic day!

  10. Wonderful bargains are to be found at church sales! We were lucky to wander into one on the tail end, too, and came away with some great finds!

    The last thing we revamped was a piece I bought at an antique store. It was the headboard from a bed that had been made into a bench-like piece of furniture using the footboard for the arms. My husband took it all apart and returned it to its original form, creating a bed which we are using in the bedroom of the daughter who recently married. Now there is a double bed there in case she and our son-in-law ever have a chance to spend the night with us.

  11. Hi Everyone!

    Thanks so much for stopping by.

    I'd like to welcome Dee from the blog One Foot Out of the Box. She's from Michegan and she is this blog's 302nd Follower. Woo hoo! That's exciting to me.

    Hope you are all gearing up for a terrific weekend. Susan

  12. P.S. Whoops! Sorry about the typo in the above message.

    Make that MICHIGAN! Thanks!

  13. I like what you DID to it, Susan.
    What fun to fill a bag for $2!

  14. Sad to say I do not revamp...but I may begin soon when I keep seeing such wonderful transformations like yours.

  15. I love when you buy by the bag! lol Now that was a beautiful piece there - and you did a great job. I love it. Love, sandie

  16. Lovely Susan..just lovely!
