Monday, July 23, 2012

Remembering the Victims in Colorado

                         (Trees in our back yard. Photo by Susan Wicker)      

It's hard to comprehend why things happen, like the shootings in Colorado last Friday.

It's all so senseless. 

Innocent people, including children, decided to go to the movies and will never go home again.

It's not supposed to be like that but it is.

The actions of one obviously very sick individual impacted the lives of so many people.

Think of all the family members, friends and co-workers of those who died so needlessly.

                                                          (More trees in our backyard. Photo by Susan Wicker.)

The victims will be terribly missed.

Even the lives of those still hospitalized will never again be the same.

Their thoughts will return, again and again, to the night when violence shook the movie theater and radically changed so many lives forever.

All of our hearts, I'm sure, go out to the victims and the families they left behind. 

They also go out to those still hospitalized.  

Personally, I also feel deep sadness for the parents of the gunman.  

They must wonder why, too, such horror happened.

 As for the gunman, himself, only God can deal with him in His own time. 

As for all those who died, may they rest in eternal peace.

                                      (A recent sunset in Western Massachusetts. Photo by Susan Wicker.)



  1. Hello Everyone!

    I wish to sound the WELCOME trumpets for Denise from Denise's Delights in Her Coffeeberry Cottage.

    She is this blog's 310th Follower. Hope you stop by often, Denise.

    Why not go to her blog and pay her a visit?

    Hope you all have a very good and peaceful Monday.

    Hugs to all! Susan

  2. Yes, it is very sad. Thank you for a lovely tribute. Thinking of and praying for the people involved.

  3. This situation has been on my mind as well... as I was thinking about the 25 year old gal who had just narrowly escaped a similar situation when she was in Toronto a few weeks ago. And how she was so thankful for another chance at life. Now she's gone.

    She said about that first situation that she felt she 'had' to get out of the food court. Makes me wonder if she got a similar inner warning, but perhaps thought it must be her imagination this time.

    So I've been pondering as you on how or what we can do... I believe asking the Lord for protection (and trusting that He will do it) is one way we can go about our business in confidence.

    On another note... your photos are wonderful to see.... lovely!

    Wishing you a peace-filled day....

  4. At the human level, I believe it is impossible to make "sense" out of "senselessness".

    And I'm not sure there is any way to prevent it. (I know that sounds despairing. But that is the reality.)

    Thankfully, my hope and optimism are not based on human behavior but an all-wise, all-powerful and loving God whose ways are higher than my loftiest imagination or thought.

  5. Nice post,,,horrible tragedy....

  6. We live in a sinful fallen world...where bad things happen to the just and the unjust. I am sorry for all the family's. May God have mercy on the sick young man that committed this horrible crime...I pray justice will be served swiftly.

  7. The entire world is watching and wondering WHY WHY WHY...we may never know the answer. I feel we just need to let the dead rest in peace and go on with living our lives the best we can...forgive but never FORGET!

  8. Very well said Susan. It's such a tragedy for everyone involved. I don't know the answer. Maybe more mental health awareness. I don't know. My thoughts are with the victims and their families.

  9. Hi Susan,
    Your photos are just lovely! And thank you so much for your visit today and your lovely comment.

    The shootings have shocked and grieved us all. We prayed for them in church yesterday as I'm sure churches around the world have also done.
    We live in a fallen world so we will unfortunately always have these tragedies take place.
    God bless the victims and their families!


  10. It is so hard to even wrap your mind around it. So sad. sandie

  11. This terrible event hit us all - my daughter was in the theater that night for the midnight showing - you just never know. We can't prevent 'evil' people from doing what they are determined to do. We just need to be aware of our surroundings, support one another and do GOOD as much as possible. I think our blogging, sharing and encouraging one another is one of those Good things -
    Hugs, and God Bless,

  12. Evil is a roaring lion but God is still in control. It's hard to fathom how He thinks sometimes but I believe He can bring good out of EVERY situation. Praying for them all.

  13. Our nation collectively grieves and independently prays. It is so sad. Have a happy day.

  14. Lovely post and beautiful images. There is no way we can prevent such senseless acts. Way too many people in this world with way too many problems. Such a shame when those who would appear to have everything cannot find peace within themselves. Wishing you a wonderful day. Hugs and blessings, Tammy
