Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lakeside Wedding

 One of this summer's highlights was going to a very lovely wedding that took place at the edge of a picturesque lake.

The parents of the groom live in a home in that sumptuous setting and set up a huge tent cover in the backyard, overlooking the lake.

Torrential rain fell earlier in the day but the tent cover provided perfect protection. 

When it came time for the ceremony, the rain had stopped.

This wedding had many personal touches which made it extra special. 

Guests wrote messages to the bride and groom about marriage, staying in love, and so forth.

A "thumbprint" family tree transpired, too. Each guest left a signed thumbprint  on a drawn tree so the couple could remember all those who joined in celebration of their marriage.

The proud parents all looked wonderful and made guests feel very welcomed.

As evening fell, hundreds of lights filled the area and lighted candles twinkled on the tabletops.

Everyone enjoyed appetizers to the mellow and pleasing  sounds of a solo guitarist. 

Then, after the ceremony, itself, there was a lovely buffet and then, lots and lots of dancing.

People sipped beer, champagne and wine and toasted the happy couple. 

May they have long and happy lives together.

It was a day to remember, always.



  1. What a lovely, lovely wedding! And it looks coolish near water, under tents. Cool is my fantasy right now...reached 110 here and it is/was horrible...more than merely hot. The Vietnamese are gathering to honor Mary (do you know about this gathering?) this weekend...60,000 people crowded into hot...not delightful looking tents like your wedding!

  2. That looks like a sweet and special wedding. I love weddings and the excitement of starting a new life together! xo linda

  3. I love weddings as they are very happy occasions and you see friends and family that you have not seen in a very long time. So sorry I missed this are lovely!

  4. I would have loved to be there..especially with the twinkle of the evening lights and candlelight. So romantic.

  5. Beautiful setting for a wedding. I must say, I'm not crazy about weddings. They seem so over the top these days. I prefer simple, personally.

  6. Oh how beautiful and so simple! I love weddings that are personal, country, simple and filled with special touches. Just like this one. :) Kit

  7. That looks like a wonderful wedding. I don't go to weddings here -- they are completely different and usually take place late and night and the bride never, ever shows up on time. It's more like a waiting game -- and isn't actually a wedding - more like a reception. When Kuwaitis have a "wedding" it is held in separate venues for the men and women. Very strange to me. Hope you have a great day! Tammy

  8. My kind of wedding, informal and fun not frivolous. Love those wildflowers and candles in mason jars.

  9. I have never been to a wedding like that - but I would love to - it was beautiful and looked so romantic. I am a hopeless romantic - lol. I like seeing couples in love and hoping that it lasts forever. sandie

  10. This one looked magical... Love all the lights.
