Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Bird Bath Treasure

I've been wanting a real  birdbath for  many years.

Every time I saw one I liked, the price tag almost sent me up into the clouds.

Two years ago I made a birdbath-of-sorts but, unfortunately, the feathered friends never went near it.

Last weekend something made me take a little trip to another town where there's a shop that carries thrifted items. It's only open Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Moseying around in the shop, my eyes zoomed in on, guess what?  Yup. A really nice, heavy iron birdbath.

It's even got the shape of a bird in the middle.

"Oooooo, that's a nice one" I said to myself, wondering if the price would send me running.  I've seen similar ones well over $100.

When I saw the sticker with $20 on it, I nearly screeched  from happiness.

After a few other purchases, I left, packages and purse  in one hand and dragging the heavy birdbath with the other.

I was struggling to get down some tall steps. A young man walking by on the sidewalk with his girlfriend asked if he could help me. (Thank you, God.)

 He not only carried  the birdbath down the steps, he hauled  that heavy piece of iron all the way to the car.  He was a kind Samaritan who proved that chivalry is not dead !

It's now in the backyard and even though winter is coming soon, I hope to leave it out for the feathered friends. When it ices over, I can pour hot water on top because iron is not going to crack.

Hurray!  The bird bath is home at last!



  1. I don't have a real birdbath, just a deep planter saucer set on a stump. But, the birds, and squirrels, love it! There is robin that sits on the fence, giving me the evil eye, when I forget to fill it lol. I try to keep it full year round and the variety of birds that come to it make my day :-) Enjoy your new treasure!

  2. Hi Susan,
    That birdbath is lovely, and I'm happy to hear that you finally found one. There are some good and helpful people out there ;)
    Enjoy your day and thank you for stopping by at my blog.


  3. It's lovely. Great price.
    I do have one and the birds visit all day every day. We don't get cold enough for ice in our state of Australia. :)

  4. Hi Susan...Your birdbath is a wonderful find. I like the little bird in the center. We have a bird bath in our aviary.....our birds love it.
    I'm glad you met a 'good samaritan' along the way.
    have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  5. The birds are going to love you, Susan!

  6. Susan that is such a pretty birdbath. We have two. One is heated for the winter so the birds have water! hugs, Linda

  7. What an unique bird bath; I bet your birds will feel so special. I do have a bird bath, but it's plain like the one at my grandparent's house, however, the birds don't mind as long as it's clean and filled with water:-D

  8. I've never had a birdbath but I did have a couple of birds in a cage once.

  9. I don't have a birdbath - I did and it broke. Now you need to get one of those warmers that keeps it from freezing - I saw that in a blog - it was cool. sandie

  10. It's very lovely. And what a great price!

  11. No bird bath here. It sounds as though you have found a real bargain, though. xo Nellie

  12. I do not have a bird bath. I used to have a bird feeder but roof rats decided they liked the food too much so I cut that out too. Your birdbath will make the birds so happy..good find!

  13. It is nice to hear that a kind young man was there to help you with your purchased items to the car. I'm sure the birdies will love the new birdbath. Best wishes, Tammy

  14. Oh, Susan, do I EVER have birdbaths! I have upwards of 15 of them in my yard, although some are just extra large $1.00 plastic chip bowls from Christmas Tree Shops! I LOVE the one you scored! I'd have snatched that up in a minute, too!!!... Donna

  15. That is a heart stopping deal....lucky you. It is very unusual and looks well made. I do not have a bird bath...all the birds go to the lake :)
