Monday, November 19, 2012

Knick Knacks for Thanksgiving Day

The old Coco Cola box that we've blogged about before is now filled with knick knacks for Thanksgiving. 

There's a very serious pair of Pilgrims at the top, along with a colorful turkey gobbler.

Inside the cubbies are all kinds of tiny treasures.

There is a portly pair of Pilgrims I won  last year on Linda's blog, A La Carte.

Then, there are two tiny and very detailed houses.

A three-inch pair of Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls is in one of the cubbies.

And all kinds of bitsy and decorative vases. 

Scarecrow is still on hand for the holiday as well as a mama and baby monkey, as big as your thumbnail.

It's fun to change decor for each holiday we are blessed to celebrate.



  1. Apple's my favorite dessert whether or not it is Thanksgiving. Cute decorations Susan.

  2. Love it! Great way to use this vintage Coke-Cola box! My favorite dessert for Thanksgiving is pecan pie. I haven't done sugar or carbs since May. I am hoping to stay trying during the holidays! we'll see!

  3. Your knick-knacks are just so cute and really kick up the spirit of Thanksgiving. My favorite Thanksgiving dessert would have to be my mom's Sweet Potato Pie. I'm considering making it this year, but with a twist--a pecan pie layer on top, which is one of my hubby's favorites.
    Just wanted to wish you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving and know how thankful I am to call you a friend, XOXO

  4. Cute decorations. I need to get out my turkey tealight holders. :) Give me pumpkin pie with whipped cream, please! Best wishes, Tammy

  5. You know how I love cubbies! The plump pilgrims are a favorite and I'm so glad you enjoy them also. I love pecan pie or apple pie for Thanksgiving dessert!

    hugs, Linda

  6. Really cute little knick-knacks, Susan!
    Oh, my! How can I choose a favorite Thanksgiving Day dessert? I think I will have to go with Sweet Potato Pie. It is from a recipe our oldest daughter found, and she will help make it once she arrives in town on Wednesday.

    Have a great Monday, Susan!

  7. Pumpkin pie of course! It is as standard as the turkey! :)

  8. I have a friend who was just asking what to do with her box...I will have to send her to your blog. :)I love your little pilgrims,,,so cute and cheerful.

  9. Pumpkin pie and whipped cream. Thsoe little monkeys made me smile. Happy Thanksgiving.

  10. Are the pilgrims salt and pepper shakers? Linda had her cubbies up today too. Yours look nice.

    My favorite dessert is anything - love pumpkin pie! What is your favorite?


  11. Everything is so adorable, Susan! You really have a knack for gathering knick-knacks! :-) My favorite dessert is---always---anything chocolate! I'll be making a brownie pie for our family gathering Thursday, as well as a simple chocolate pie, made with instant pudding. I have a sweet little great-niece who is a chocoholic like I am! Enjoy the rest of your week! :-)

  12. Pumpkin pie with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream! And I love those chubby little pilgrims, too. My sister who lives in Georgia sent me a pair of them a couple of years ago: S&P Shakers! I've never seen any since, at least around here, because I know they came from Publix grocery stores and we don't have them here! Very cute cubbie!
