Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Santa Is Here, and So Is Santa and Santa and Santa !

 I had to chuckle when I saw Laurie's post yesterday on her Santa collection. (You can read it here.)

You know how it is with collections. 

You get one of something and then someone gives you another one for a birthday or Christmas gift and so on. 

Then, you go to a yard sale and there's another one you just cannot resist. 

Well, that's definitely how it's been with my own Santa collection.  

I wrote down the year I got some Santas on the bottoms of their feet!

This year, no dollies in green and red dresses came down to the hutch in the dining room. 

Santas are in there this Christmas.

I even packed my tea cup collection. Can you imagine that? 

 Well, had to make room for more Santas! (Will show you the Santa-filled tea cup rack another day, cuz I don't want this post to be toooooo long.)

This year I was going to attempt to count the Santas in my collection as they got unpacked but, alas, I lost count at 48. ha!

The hutch shown in this post is only one place where Santas can be found around here.

 They are also in corners, on shelves, on little benches, and well, ho ho ho, you get the idea. I love Santas!

When anyone asks me what I want for Christmas, my usual response is "No  Santas, please."



  1. Oh Susan I love your Santa collection. Now that is something I have too. I have Santa's for my tree too. They just make Christmas. sandie

  2. Susan, we are so much alike! I will take a photo of my Santa (Father Christmas) collection and put it up on the blog for you to smile at. Santa, for me, is the magic of Christmas and I love that my grands are believers...big time! Your collection is amazing:-D

  3. Hi Susan,
    I love your Santas...my favourite is the Santa in the red coat with the fur trim.
    I love how collections take on a life of their own and grow, and grow.
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  4. My favorite is the Santa with the puppy on top. I have a snowman collection, so I know how they can take over :)

  5. I don't do Santas, but I do have a rather interesting collection of Nativity sets. Some are quite small, some are in several pieces while others are all molded together, but they all have that precious Baby, who came to this earth so that each of us could have hope for eternal life! I LOVE this season!! I hope your Christmas will be a lovely and peaceful time.

  6. Your Santa's are so cute! I have 'some' but not a large collection! This year I'm looking at elves for the cubbies...crazy I know! Hugs, Linda

  7. Susan,
    You collect Santas too! I have to say that I don't nearly have as many as you do. I think my favorite one is the Santa and the birds. Oh, I wish I had a hutch to put them on, that would a wonderful place to display them. I'm glad to hear that you put the year on the bottom of their feet when you receive them. That is what I do also. We can look back and see the year it was. I also put the name of the person who gave it to me sometimes. I love your Santa collection!
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  8. Susan, thanks so much for the link to my blog post! You are obviously a kindred spirit. No way I could pick a favorite. I love all of them. It's amazing that I didn't see any like the Santas I have. Just goes to show the variety that is out there. I love those 3 that kind of match each other that look like carved wood, but they are all wonderful, and I loved seeing this display. I look forward to seeing more of them. laurie

  9. I actually have a few Santas myself. I would say that the trio of woodland Santas would be my favorite of the collection.

  10. Love them all Susan and I'm so glad they belong to you, a collector!

  11. Oh my gosh, so many Santas today!!!! Do you have room left for snowmen???

  12. you have been Santafied...I bet you have had fun collecting them...there are many in your collection I have never seen.My favorite is the one with the birds on his sleeve.:)

  13. This is so pretty! I am hosting a Holiday Giveaway on my blog. I would love for you to enter :) Have a great day! Thanks Anu
