Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Christmas Tree Is Up!

 Yahoo!  One of the tasks for November has been completed-----the Christmas tree!

Remember how I've been wanting to get as much done as possible in advance so December can be enjoyed?  

Well, this is great news to have the tree decorated.  

Hubs put up the tree and added the many strings of lights. 

My daughter and her husband helped me put all the ribbons and decorations on it, while my nine-week old granddaughter watched from her nearby seat!

It takes a long time to finish decorating the tree but we did it!

We all had supper together afterward.

The tree has a LOT of ornaments, primarily  gold and pink with  the white lights.

It is such a gift to sit on the sofa and watch this lovely, huge tree slowly twirl round and round.

I feel like it's a wonderful way to honor the Baby Jesus---creating beauty on His birthday for all to enjoy!

Wish you could come and sit with me and enjoy the season.

Oh! P.S. See the lovely new graphic on the sidebar, the lovely Christmas ball?

A dear blogger, Mo, from Rose Petals from Heaven, shares her talent with other bloggers.  She designs fabulous graphics. Just look at my sidebar!  See?  I LOVE Mo's designs.  Thanks, Mo!



  1. I wish I was there to sit and just stare at your beautiful tree; really makes me feel like the season is upon us. XOXO

  2. Gorgeous!! Now I can never show you ours....tee hee :)

  3. Susan,your tree is splendidly beautiful Enjoy your December xx

  4. Awww.. Susan, the Christmas tree is really amazing! Loving it!! :))


  5. Your tree is one sparkling lovely tree!!
    Mine will have to wait until december 6 ..
    A good read is on my wish list for Santa and his little elves ^.~

  6. Yeah for you Susan! How wonderful to decorate it together as a family.

    Me? For Christmas? I'd love to see our Texans!

    Enjoy the blessings of the season!


  7. Your tree is elegant, Victorian and reminds me of my late best friend whose tree looked very similar. I love to sit and watch the lights. No, I have never officially met Mary E.

  8. Lovely tree...and this year will be such a special holiday with that new grandbaby!

  9. What a gorgeous tree!

    For Christmas? I think I would want an electric pencil sharpener! Even in this day and age when everything is so electronic, I STILL need a well-sharpened pencil!:) Always with a GOOD eraser!:)

    Enjoy your Thursday, Susan.

  10. Susan your tree is truly lovely! I know you are happy to have it up. I think I'm only doing one small tree this year. So I will enjoy everyone's big trees via blogland. I just want happiness for Christmas! Hugs, Linda

  11. All I want for Christmas is to be with family.
    Your tree is always lovely. I've seen it in person and I know you are grateful to the gal who gave it to you. Enjoy this holiday with your new baby grandchild!

  12. It is a big, beautiful tree. Sounds like you had a lovely time putting it up and getting it decorated. Best wishes for the holidays. Tammy

  13. I always enjoy seeing such lovely trees, and yours is exceptional, Susan! We have NO room for a tree in our apartment, so I just live vicariously through other people's pictures of their wonderful decorations! I will find room to set out my little Nativity scenes, though, and I have some big red bows that I'll hang on the porch rail. There is also a little tree that I might put out on the porch so other folks can enjoy it. My Christmas would be really special this year if we could see our son and his family (our grandsons), but that will not happen, unfortunately. They are 1500 miles away, and unless there's some miracle, we won't be going there and they won't be coming here. :-( Oh, well---things could be worse! Enjoy your wonderful, cozy home, and keep sharing your pictures! :-)

  14. Your tree is a beautiful tree...I like that it is so full of ornaments and lights. I have had big trees before but they never looked as finished or elegant as yours. enjoy:) Not sure what I would personally like for Christmas except for a visit from my grands...but they are to far away. :( Some new earrings would be nice.:)

  15. Your tree is lovely lots of sparkles, it would take a while to set it up. We have already had our christmas gifts this year we had secret santa for the first time (we put our name in a hat and draw out 1 name each and only buy one present) This year my daughter will be in New Zealand and my son is starting a new job in a different state on the 1st December so it will be a lonely this year I got a new watch a thing for cooking boiled eggs without the shell and 1/2 ton of red bark for the garden.

  16. Hi Susan,
    Your Christmas tree is very beautiful. I will get some Xmas decorations tomorrow and put that up at my apartment - it's nice with all the lights and such now to make it more cozy. What I want for Christmas? Not really sure hehe. Enjoy your day!

  17. Hi Susan,
    Your Tree is spectacular and definitely deserves to be referred to in Capital Letters. And it rotates! marvelous!!!
    You and your husband and your daughter and her husband are to be congratulated on this Tree...
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia
