Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Once Again in the Dollhouse

Dollhouses and miniatures make wonderful hobbies.

For years now, decorating dollhouses has brought me great joy. 

Makes me feel like a kid again!

The house shown in this post is smaller than one that got left behind in Arizona. (boo hoo. Still miss that house so much.)

But decorating the current house is still so much fun!

There are several wreaths with red bows on the outside windows.

Just look and see who is on the front porch!

Why it's Santa, himself!

Here's the master bedroom.

 Oh my. Fifi is on the bed again!

Hope she doesn't tear into those packages.

 Love that "ho ho ho" bright and cheerful wrapping paper.

The swan on the second shelf my daughter bought for me in Italy. 

 Here's the children's bedroom.

 Oh for heaven's sake!  There's a dollhouse in the dollhouse.

 It even has a half-inch tall Christmas tree!

 Awwwww, even baby is waiting for Christmas.

 There's a darling little tree in the children's room!

 Because I don't want this post to get any longer, we will see the living room and kitchen of the Christmas dollhouse tomorrow!  Okay?



  1. I like dollhouses and miniatures I have one I made for my daughter many years ago but I have never decorated it for christmas, its good idea if I get it done I will put up some pictures yours is much more detailed than mine I would love to see the rest of your little house.

  2. Oh my goodness girl - I appreciate the value and the time and the miniature size of that doll house. I made a horrible mistake - I gave my mom's to my niece and she got rid of it - I am sick if I think about it so I try not too - but yours is lovely!!!!!!!!!


  3. Oh, my! You KNOW I love them - and ALWAYS admire the way you decorate yours.....Can't wait to see the rest.

  4. What a darling little dollhouse! You have done such nice decorating of this one. I actually have no miniature collections.

  5. Susan,
    Just beautiful!! I love the doll house in the doll house!! How cool is that!!
    Also love the Santa on the front porch!!

    Looking forward to seeing the rest of your sweet doll house tomorrow...


  6. Oh what fun!!! I've always wanted one - it looks like a blast - love your style!


  7. Love your miniatures. Such detail!!

  8. Only one word to describe this post. Fabulous! Can't remember when I've enjoyed something I've read as much! xoxoxo bb

  9. Such a lovely addition to your Christmas decor!! You are most industrious and clever! Any doll would be happy to live in this house, but you'd have to find one the right size! :-)

  10. I don't have a doll house but appreciate them. Your's is darling and I love it decorated for Christmas!

    hugs, Linda

  11. Always a pleasure to see your decorated dollhouse for Christmas. I have seen it in person and it is even better than the pictures. Keep up the great work and have fun!

  12. Your doll house is all the detail and the furniture is lovely. I want one Santa....

  13. Oh my gosh Susan,
    I love that pink dollhouse! And the porch! Cute! I like Fi Fi and your mini dollhouse. I think we have the same birdcage but mine is on a stand. I'll have to put wreaths on my windows this Christmas!
    Thanks for the cute ideas,
