Saturday, December 22, 2012

Holiday Touches Throughout the House

Getting together with friends is one of the best parts of the holidays.

While at a friend's house recently, it was so much fun to see her decor.

She had put darling touches in every nook and cranny.

Look at the lovely village she created, including the photo at the top of this post.

Now that must have taken a long time to put together.

There were lots of decorated trees.

And many Santa Claus figures, too.

Of course, she couldn't forget snow people!


Even the salt and pepper shakers were in the shapes of Christmas trees and look at the sweet pitcher!

 This was a lovely home, decorated to the max yet tastefully, for Christmas.

I'm so happy my friend let me share some of her treasures with you, my dear readers.



  1. We attended a lovely party on Friday evening at a friend's house. It was very nicely decorated for the holidays with several miniature displays. Her food theme was "Christmas Around the World." Absolutely wonderful!

    Merry Christmas, Susan!

  2. Susan that is one of the best things about Christmas - is visiting and seeing what other people like and how other people decorate - everyone is so different.

  3. Perfect Christmas house! would love to have such:) Like all the dolls,trees, and snowmen and Santa Clauses:)
    As I don't have many Christian friends here, only few of them decorate houses, so no way me posting such beauty like you did:)have a blessed day!

  4. Hi Susan - what a lovely home your friends have - beautiful decorations! I'm sure you had a wonderful evening!!

    Thanks for visiting our crazy Baby cat! I'm glad you enjoyed the videos of her going at our tree. Not sure it will last till Christmas, but fingers crossed! haha

    Have a very Merry Christmas, Susan!!!

    All my best,

  5. Beautiful things and yes, you are correct...getting together is the best part of the season. Friends seems busier, more hasseled this year even though we are older and should be quieter! Our gathering this year of our Fearsome Four did not take place in our homes. We went to Layman's Services and then out to breakfast at shortly after dawn. Nice, but not the same. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Susan! Almost here....

  6. Beautiful! My friends seem to be decorating a little less this year with fresh greenery and berries and it looks so pretty.
    Merry Christmas to you & your Family!


  7. Your friends home is lovely! Yes, my friends decorate too. And I love that they do. It adds so much to the season. I love my little lites the most. Have a wonderful weekend! Kit

  8. Such lovely decorations! That teapot is so very pretty. And who doesn't love a cute chubby snowperson! :) Best wishes, Tammy

  9. My friends do decorate very cheerfully, and I enjoy seeing their homes during this season of wonder! There is such distinctive personality in each home, and I just love each one. I also have some Facebook friends who have lovely villages, complete with lights and the whole nine yards! Obviously, there are no live animals in those homes, or those villages would be pillaged!!

    I do enjoy your blog, Susan, and I wish for you a most blessed Christmas! :-)

  10. Hi Susan,
    Love your big village with the carolers in the background:-)
    Merry Christmas!!!

  11. ello from Spain: Christmas is a very nice date. Me and my friends decorate our houses. I like the figures of Santa Claus. Keep in touch

  12. Love all these decorations. You must have had a ball taking those pictures.
