Thursday, January 31, 2013

Cranberry Glass Surprise

 Today we are joining Sandi's "Home" party on her blog, Rose Chintz Cottage. 

Stop by to see some lovely blogs and all kinds of ideas for your home!

Whenever things get a little crazy and I find myself doing way too much for comfort, it's an indication that it's time to do something for pure enjoyment.

A 15 minute excursion to a thrift store usually fits the bill.  

It's so much fun to zip my cart up and down the aisles, looking for unknown treasures.

Yesterday afternoon I hit the jackpot. The mother lode. The ever grand prize!

Now some of you know that one of my many collections is cranberry glass.

This extra gorgeous deep pink glass is really quite exquisite. 

Not only that, it's made with molten gold, right in the glass!

So you can imagine, pieces of cranberry glass are not inexpensive.

Many pieces in my own collection were gifts from my late mother. She knew I cherished this lovely kind of glass.

Okay, to make a long story short, as I wheeled my shopping cart down one of the aisles of Goodwill, I stopped in my tracks and just about lost the ability to breathe.

There, on the top shelf, was an incredibly magnificent huge vase made from cranberry glass. 

Using extreme care, I reached up and took it off the shelf.  Sometimes the painted-on pink glass looks similar to cranberry glass if viewed from a distance. 

This gorgeous piece was the real thing. 

Price tag?  $12.50!

Without any doubt, the vase is worth several times that price.

Once home, I carefully washed the vase in warm, sudsy water and rinsed it.

Voila!  Isn't it a beauty? 

Finding it was an early Valentine's Day gift and I have a very grateful heart.



  1. How beautiful! What a fortunate find! It's becoming more and more uncommon to find such "deals" at Goodwill and/or thrift stores any more. How special that you did!

  2. I am familiar with cranberry glass, but have not attempted to collect it. That vase is lovely, and I'm happy for you!!! It is hard to find things of real value at those stores sometimes, and you were blessed with great timing to find that piece!!

  3. I just stopped breathing too,when I read how much you paid for it. We have to score sometimes don't we? It's just gorgeous. x

  4. Hi Susan.... your cranberry glass vase is so beautiful. What a wonderful find. Happy for you...
    Have a good day
    Barb from Australia

  5. I'm not a collector of glass but my sister is very fond of green glass only she calls it something else, I 've forgotten what but she is married to a glass cutter and they owned a glass business in Sydney for a long time before they moved to the seaside.

  6. Glad you got a bargain on your outing, Susan....very pretty one too.

  7. I am not familiar with Cranberry glass, however this is a charming beauty! I have some pieces of pink and green from Mother that I do treasure

  8. Hi Susan!
    I love that vase you found, lucky girl. I'm not familiar with cranberry glass, but my son gave me a tall vase last year for our 40 wedding anniversary and I believe it may be cranberry glass. I am going to look into it! I put it up high so the cat couldn't get to it!
    Thanks for visiting my blog, have a great week,

  9. You will enjoy that vase for a very long time..good find. I do not collect glass anything as I live in earthquake country!

  10. Oh, your glass vase is lovely. I totally agree with you, when I am feeling overwhelmed, a stop at the local Vintage shop soothes my soul. I love finding treasures, and yours must have made you smile.


  11. I love your cranberry glass pieces--how lovely to set out for Valentine's Day. I also live in a earthquake area, but in actuality, that doesn't change my dish fetish or collecting.
    I wish you lived near, though and we could have a tea together! BTW, I'm going to be in the Boston area in April! XOXO

  12. Cranberry is my favorite color; nice find.

  13. I've seen cranberry glass for sale at our antique barn and did you ever get a bargain!
    I have a couple of pieces and love the colour too.

  14. It is beautiful and I love cranberry glass. It looks very fitting for valentine's too. I think they add new things to Goodwill every day! sandie

  15. I am not familiar with it but now I'll be on the lookout, too. It really is gorgeous! I love everything pretty...and shopping at the thrift store! Hugs!

  16. Hello from Spain: What a wonderful find. your cranberry glass vase is so nice. Keep in touch

  17. Very pretty piece and a great find!
    I don't know that much about cranberry glass but I do appreciate it's beauty.

    I never find anything I like at Goodwill yet everyone I know always finds great stuff! Will have to give it another try.

  18. I am so happy for you!! That vase is gorgeous! I know you love your cranberry glass. I have never seen a piece in the thrift shop but if I did I would grab it up! hugs, Linda

  19. Absolutely gorgeous, Susan! I've heard of cranberry glass, and that was a real bargain you found!

  20. Oh, Susan, what a treasure! Imagine paying so little for such a large piece! I'm so happy for you, and yes, I am well acquainted with Cranberry glass as I collect it myself. You did good, girl! Thanks for sharing this at my HOME. Love it! Have a wonderful weekend.


  21. Very pretty. I like all the glass favorite is your amber colored glass.
