Monday, February 18, 2013

A Breath of Spring

Today as I type on my faithful laptop computer, my fingertips are as cold as icicles.

It's f-f-f-f-freezing here.  All I can think of are all the little stray kitties and doggies who live outside. 

(Hopefully, any homeless people around here are safe and warm in shelters.)

 What we need at this time of year is a breath of springtime.

Some posts on this blog this week are going to highlight a delightful baby shower I attended this past weekend at one of my cousin's houses.

 She had sweet floral centerpieces on lace-covered tables in the dining room.

Everyone had a great time at the shower and enjoyed all the hostess's personal decorating touches.

Also shown are some wreaths and other flower pieces in my cousin's lovely home. 

Doesn't she do a great job?

  She has a fresh and whimsical decorating style.

Newborn babies, like flowers, make the heart sing!  

They lift up our spirits, too.

It's so thrilling to celebrate and welcome them.

Hope today's flowers cheer you up and get your week off to a good start! 

To leave you, here's sweet butterfly, attached to a dessert plate holder!



  1. Oh, Susan, those are lovely decorating touches your cousin has made, and your butterfly is adorable! If I could have any sort of bouquet, I suppose I would choose yellow roses, or a combo arrangement of those roses with tulips. They are always so happy-looking!

    Interesting that you would mention the outdoor animals on these cold days. One of my Facebook friends lives in Saskatchewan, and she and her hubby have set up trailers on each side of their rural highway, where they keep litter, food, water, and heating pads for the feral kitties that come around their place. As they are able to catch them, they also have them spayed/neutered, and many have become great friends and house pets. She writes a blog weekly, under the name of Ethel and the Crow, if you would like to look her up. I think you would enjoy her writings greatly. Her name is Arlene Martin, and she is a delight!! Have a great day, and stay warm, if possible!!

  2. The flowers look so nice! The forecast is for us to have some nasty stuff coming by Thursday. I was wanting some flowers and your pictures makes me think I will get out this morning aand find some milk and posies to carry me the coming days.

  3. I believe love of roses is fairly universal. Mother's favorite was yellow roses. I would favor pink, however, along with some white and red.

    Have a wonderful Monday.

  4. Those are some sweet little flowers! They have brightened my day! I would order something bright and beautiful!!
    hugs, Linda

  5. You know that flowers do make my heart sing; their beauty is unsurpassed by anything else! I love hydrangeas and already see little green buds on mine, outside my studio window:-D But, daisies make me happy too and I love that line in "You've Got Mail" when Meg Ryan says, "Don't You think Daisies are the friendliest flowers!" Have a happy spring day, dear friend, XOXO

  6. Any kind of floral arrangement is fine with me as long as it is bright and beautiful. Today we are out of our 80 degree weather and down to 62 and that is very cold for me but nothing like what you are having in New England. is winter though!

  7. I absolutely love fresh flowers of any kind and your floral photos cheer me. But if I could order a fresh bouquet, it would be a bouquet of fragrant white and pink flowers (tuberoses, stargazer lilies and such like).

  8. Hello from Spain: I would ask for red roses. I love that color. I'm also looking forward to the spring and hot ... Winter in my country is too long and rainy. Keep in touch

  9. Hi Susan, lovely pix! Ah, spring....I love roses and daisies, but I think now I'd like a mix of just pretty flowers...make that a BIG bouquet!
    Have a good week.

  10. The flowers look lovely, if I could order any bouquet in the world I would be tiger lilies and yellow roses, they are my favourite flowers .

  11. How refreshing to see so many colorful flowers....I would like a bouquet of daisy's.

  12. If you try to find that blog I mentioned, you might have problems finding it the way I listed it. Here it is, and you should be able to copy/paste it into your browser...

    Actual title is "As the Crow Flies."

  13. Here is a quote - Flowers are the poetry of earth - unknown. But isn't that the truth?
