Sunday, February 10, 2013

Gratitude Sunday #6

Joining Gratitude Sunday over at Linda's blog, A La Carte

Stop by and read about so many things people are thankful for.


There are so many millions of things to be thankful for that it's challenging to pin a specific one down.

It goes without saying how precious family and friends are. 

 They are great gifts in our lives, don't you think?

This weekend I'm thankful for road crews who have been working around-the-clock to keep the streets passable following the huge snowstorm.

 I'm also grateful to be able to collect things for our home, like the tea cups being shown today.

They often cost very little money because they have been thrifted. 

Finding a bargain is  part of the fun of collecting.

Several were gifts, as well, on birthdays, Christmas and so forth.

 So today, I'm going to say I'm thankful for my tea cup collection as well as the eyes with which to see it.

It's okay to be thankful for material things, isn't it?

 Hope each of you has a super good Sunday!

  Oh, one more thing! I'm thankful to Linda for hosting this party!



  1. Susan - I don't collect tea cups, but I do have a few! And I love your teacups. Especially the one in the second photo - it is just so pretty! sandie

  2. Do I collect teacups? Absolutely! And I love each one! I love your collection too. It's lovely and displayed so nicely. We have several teacup and saucer sets in common. They are fun to use --- and just as fun to appreciate just by looking. What a tealight!

  3. Nice variety, fun collection! I know how much your cups must mean to you. Do you use them regularly? Tea is so much nicer from a beautiful cup. Happy Valentine's Day,

  4. Such delicate and beautiful tea cups. I can't really choose a favorite. I too am so grateful for my eyes.

  5. What a gorgeous collection. My mother collected tea cups and when she was moving wanted my sister and I to split them. I let my sister have them because she has a hutch to display them all. Lovely post!

  6. I do not collect tea cups, but my mother-in-law had a lovely collection, much like yours. It always amazes me how many different patterns there are, each beautiful in its own way! Thank you for sharing yours with us, and I also am most appreciative of my eyesight. I have dear friends who have macular degeneration, and I hope I will never take my vision for granted! God gives us such marvelous gifts!! Happy to hear that you are faring well through the snow!

  7. Yes I do have a small collection~ and they come from Great-Grandmothers, grandmothers, mothers, thrift stores and friends!! As always, Susan I enjoy your posts! Thankful you are doing well-

  8. Susan- You have a beautiful collection of tea cups. I don't collect tea cups, but do have setting out a teacup that was my great, great grandmother's. So lovely. I have her whole porslean china, but am so afraid to use it.
    I do hope you use them!!

  9. If I could live in a huge home with many rooms I woud collect many things including tea cups..but I have a China Cabinet filled with Old Country makes my heart happy..I do have a few collected cups that I treasure so much..

  10. Lovely collections Susan and I could fall in love with each and every one!!!! You know I collect them.

    Here's a thought for you on the material things....a friend's husband once told me if your things help you build relationships that they are a good thing! I told me that about 20 years ago and I think of it often.

    I'm sure your teacups have had plenty of good times to help you build relationships with friends and family!

    Love ya,

  11. Susan, your collection is lovely and reminds me of spring.


  12. What a great collection! I have a few teacups but they are mainly from my late MIL and her family. I love the vintage look of them. :) Kit

  13. Susan I am thankful for you and for joining Gratitude Sunday! Your teacups are so lovely. I have a few but don't display them. Yes family and friends are always a blessing to us!
    hugs, Linda

  14. You know I collect hordes of tea cups and tea pots! You collection here is gorgeous, much like mine, and I would feel most at home at your tea table, I am sure!

  15. gorgeous collection. i was going to pick a favorite - but i can't ... love all those bright colors. so fun. i don't have a collection. i wish i had did. i will enjoy yours. nice to meet you. take care. ( :

  16. Lovely! I collect tea cups too and I am thankful for them. They make me smile every time I see them...and yes...thankful for sight too! Blessed!

  17. What a beautiful collection. I have a few tea cups that I have collected over the years and haven't been able to figure out how to display them. You have beautiful shelves to really show them off. I'm going to have to put my thinking cap on! Sweet hugs!

  18. hi, Susan!
    That's a great idea to have the grateful for Sunday posts. Your collection of tea cups is beautiful, I don't collect them, I don't have much space to tell honestly.
    Have a great day ahead and hope weather there gets better!

  19. not have a tea cup collection but I LOVE tea and drink it every single morning.

  20. Beautiful, Susan! I don't remember seeing that collection before. My Mammaw used to collect tiny little tea cups and saucers. I wonder who took them all when she passed away. Take care! Tammy

  21. I use to have a tea cup collection, Not as nice yours but I liked them a lot. When we moved the first time I had to downsize. I love number one and I think I had one just like number eight.
