Saturday, February 23, 2013

Sweet Memory

Hello Dear Followers, Blog Peeps, and Visitors:

Before today's post, I want to share two things.

1)  Many of  the  lovely graphics you see on the right sidebar of my blog are the designs of Mo from the beautiful blog, Rose Petals from Heaven. 

She is immensely talented, kind and generous. I just want you to know that those graphics are her creations.

2) Have any of you been bothered by  spam?  Seriously, hundreds of offers for free drugs online have swamped my comment section. 

Gratefully, the span detector I have picks most of them before they appear in the comments but it's really upsetting to me.

I have gotten hundreds and hundreds of these stupid drug offers and I don't even take aspirins! 

If any of you know how these get there and why, and how to prevent them from coming at all, I'd appreciate your help and suggestions. 

Thanks. Hugs  to all. Susan 

A pretty homemade Valentine's Day card in a white frame stood on a table in the downstairs bathroom of my cousin's house.

I was there to attend a baby shower.

A very special aunt, who died just a couple of years ago in January, made the lacy card for her oldest daughter, my cousin.

We all miss her so very, very much.

Being the clever decorator she is, my cuz just recently framed her late mother's message of love.

In front of it on the sweet little table were several small angels. 

 I could not help think that my beloved aunt (along with her sister, my late Mom.)  is among the angels in the other realm of life,

We all miss her, of course, and she'll never again make a special Valentine Day card.

That's why seeing the framed Valentine went straight to my heart.

The pretty red hearts shown at the top of this post are in the window in the same room as the framed Valentine. 



  1. Oh, I am the world's worst pack rat!! I hate to throw away ANY card I receive! Although my ingenious sister "repurposes" cards and uses them as gift tags, I still have a hard time cutting one apart!

    I love this homemade card and the love that went into it for your cousin. I also love the scarf on that table, with its wonderful handiwork on and around it. Those hearts in the windows really sparkle, too! Thanks for sharing with us! :-)

  2. Yes, there are some cards that I save. Having room to keep them is a problem. Perhaps I need to add another piece of furniture.:-)

  3. Susan do they come on anonymous? I don't allow any of those comments on my blog any more - you can change it at settings.

    And that is sweet about your aunt.

  4. I love cards..just love them. I keep them for an entire year before I finally discard them. Ones from my immediate family I keep forever. I've a couple drawers full of them right now.

  5. Yes I do,some of them are just too pretty to throw away,at least for a few years.LOL
    I love those hearts in the window and what a lovely idea,to frame your aunts card. x

  6. I have cards from 1960's. I have also framed a couple.

  7. First of allI have also started receiving spam comments....such a nuisance! I think that that the majority are being stopped before I get to see them but there are still a few getting through! I loved the ed hearts at the start of your blog. I also had a favourite aunt who died just over 2 years ago. I miss her so and treasure the things that she made with so much love. Joan

  8. Beautiful post..right from the heart..I save cards and day someone will have to decide what to do with I know I can't do anything but save them! Have a great day...

  9. I have been getting a lot of spam in my yahoo far none on my blog...but i am seeing it crop up on other blogs I am visiting... If you find a way to stop them pass the info on... The framed valentine is a treasure. I framed a card that my son mailed to my Frank and me when he was in the Army...he was expressing his love and thankfulness to us as his parents. ♥

  10. I've also been bothered by spam lately and have decided to figure out Wordpress so I won't ever it again. I know some of my blog friends, who are also bothered, have put the "word verification" button back on and I may resort to that before I change. I feel your frustration, XOXO

  11. Such a sweet memento and beautiful photos.

    Sorry about the spam. I've not had problems with it, but do get an occasional spam comment. It's so not fun.

    I can't save all of the cards I receive, but I do save some, and, as you know (since I blogged about it recently), I have all of the ones The Man sent pre-marriage, some 32 years ago. :)

  12. That is a very sweet, framed Valentine. How special that your cousin still has that memory of her mother.

    Yes, I save cards! Always and forever! I have boxes of them. After all, they are fun to re-read --- and maybe --- someday I might need them for a project. <3
