Friday, March 22, 2013

Life-long Reading Habit Is Hard to Beat

"Once upon a time..."

How many times, as a child, did you hear  that phrase while snuggled close to a parent?

If it was many times, you were, indeed, very blessed.

Children who have the love of reading books instilled in them from an early age have many advantages.

They find out there's a huge world out there, without ever leaving home. They discover people, places and things through reading.

My late mother  didn't cuddle with us much but, God bless that woman, she took my siblings and me on extremely important weekly excursions to the local library.

There was never too much money with a house filled with kids but we never knew it. We felt rich every time we left the library with a great big batch of "new" books.

I feel that children who learn to read early in life and grow to love books have a better crack at succeeding in school, too.

That early initiation into the world of books has resulted in a life-long love of books for all my siblings and myself.

Now, happily, I am a Grammie and my six-month-old  sweet pea settles comfortably in the crux of my arm while I read to her.

More often than not, she tries to grab the book and jam it into her mouth as she awaits the arrival of her first tooth. ha!

I'm so grateful to my Mom for all those trips to the library so long ago.

The little mama and baby bunny that sit on our kitchen table during the Easter season reminded me of all that.



  1. Four of the best words you can say to a child! I love reading to my grands and even do it over skype. Reading opens up the imagination like nothing else. Great post! XOXO

  2. I love to read historical fiction based on a true story, autobiographies and biographies. I read every night before I go to sleep. It is so relaxing. Love the bunny reading to her baby. I read to all my grandkids whenever I get a chance.

  3. I love to read to my Tiger! He loves his books and I bring him a new book each time I visit and we read it! I love to read for myself and always have a book in progress and a TBR pile! I loved the library growing up and still do!

  4. Hello from Spain: I grew up with that phrase tale. Today I read stories to my daughters. I love going to libraries and bookstores. Books are always very interesting. I like books about real issues or romantic stories. Keep in touch

  5. That bunny and baby figurine is so cute! And reading is so important.

  6. Beautiful thoughts and so true..have a great day.

  7. How I love your bunny with a book! Best ever. I like to read anything that lets me see into lives of others and how they work, either fiction or non-fiction.

  8. Oh, children's books are my very favorite! Currently, though, I am busily reading books from the United Methodist Women reading list for 2013. They are non-fiction and really open our eyes to what is going on in the world.

    I remember very well weekly trips to the library and bringing home a shopping bag full of books for our three! We read to them individually twice a day!

  9. I have always loved to read, and enjoy non-fiction more than fiction these days. I used to love mysteries, and would have trouble putting down a good Earle Stanley Gardner book! We always read to our children, and as soon as they were able, we encouraged them to read to us. We learned that they could do so MUCH earlier than you might think...around three-four years old! We also read the Bible to them, and our son was able to read the KJV at age 4 so much that his pre-school teacher asked where he learned to read it! In my opinion, parents who do not take the time to read with their children are missing out on some of the most joyous times there can be!

  10. I agree and it's so inexpensive! You can get books for a quarter at a garage sale. The only excuse would be time, and that's sad. I started reading to my little baby when she was an infant! Every day, morning, nap time, and bedtime. I started with the hard cardboard page books so she wouldn't rip the pages and she could "read" them herself. Dr. Seuss ABC's was one of the best to teach her her abc's. Anyway, she was actually reading signs on storefront when she was under 3 years old! So I know I did the right thing. She's now in her third year at UC Davis and on her way to being a Psychology major then a Nurse Practitioner. It all started with those books...

  11. Those bunnies are so sweet. I'm afraid that so many people these days have given up reading and writing because they are way too attached to their technological devices. My youngest son used to be a voracious reader now he only reads when he has to. I never want to part with the written word ... no little device can take the place of holding a book. Have a great day. Tammy

  12. aww... I can just imagine the joy for both of you as you read to your little grandbaby!

  13. Susan this is a precious post! Your grand baby is 6 months old already? I love to read to little ones as I used to teach primary grades.
    My favorite books to read are historical fiction.

  14. lol Isaiah received his first book yesterday at the Dr.s office...Of course to chew the receptionist's nice to read I loved it as a child though my parents didn't read to me..but at school I loved it and took my own trips to the library..Happy Easter with love Janice

  15. The figurine of the Bunny reading to her little one is adorable. I do not think anything can replace the connection a real book holds. I love the bonding with reading to my grands. My favorite books to read are poetry books and vintage devotional's.

  16. Oh, I love that little statue, momma bunny reading to child bunny!!

  17. Wow I don't remember ever being read to. That is okay. I read to my kids and I read to my grandson and feel blessed to be able to do it. And I can't believe your little one is six months old already! I can see you sitting just like bunny with her little one.

