Monday, April 1, 2013

The Joy of Sending and Receiving Cards

When it comes to sending cards for any and all (and no) occasions, count me "in."

 All my life I have loved sending cards almost as much as getting them.

 My late mother, God bless her soul, was exactly the same way.  

 We could always count on getting cards from Mom for every conceivable occasion that ever occurred and then some.

  Sending and receiving cards for holidays, like Easter, add to life's enjoyment. 

Most new babies got a first Easter card from me with a dollar bill inside.

 It's just symbolic and fun. It's also a tradition learned from my Mom. She was always so thoughtful.  

As soon as a card comes in, it's place it in a special holder in the front hallway.

Even though far more cards are sent  than received, it doesn't matter a twit.  

Cards, like chocolate Easter bunnies, are part of this holiday's joy.



  1. Hello from Spain: I like sending and receiving cards. At Easter we have no habit of sending. If we send at Christmas or a special celebration such as a birthday or anniversary. Keep in touch

  2. My grandmother sent cards for everything and she got a lot in return but sadly no one does much now I think we are all to lazy.

  3. I love receiving cards - but that seems to be a lost art with this generation! My Mom still sends cards!!

  4. I love to send and receive cards! Didn't send any this year but spent the day with my Grand so that was even better!

  5. I use to send cards for every occasion and holiday, but sadly, now that I'm so busy in a field that does cardmaking...I never do! XOXO

  6. Cards at Easter time have never been a regular thing for me. Family members always receive them, though.

    Happy April, Susan!

  7. sending them...and getting them!

  8. Those cards look so pretty! I know you enjoy getting cards - I do too and I used to love sending them - but with the email it is so much easier sending them that way and to be honest - cheaper. The post office probably hates me. sandie

  9. I don't, but I love to send them for other occasions, such as birthdays or anniversaries. It is so nice to get a real card in the mail, I agree! I think letter (and card) writing is becoming a lost art, and I want to do my part to keep it going.

    Have a wonderful week!
    Karen :)

  10. I have not been in the habit of sending cards for Easter, but I do send them for birthdays, anniversaries, and sometimes even for Thanksgiving. They are all so lovely, and I'm sure you enjoy seeing them as you pass them in that hallway! WAY back, when I was much younger, our dad always gave a $2 bill to new high school graduates, and they always thought that was a neat gift. Of course, $2 would buy a loaf of bread AND a gallon of milk AND a pound of hamburger back then! Times have certainly, I wonder how many people would even know that a $2 is real! :-) Welcome to April, Susan, and I hope that Spring is finally here! :-)

  11. I did not as many as Christmas, but to the boys and my Great Aunt.

    Glad that you had a joyous Easter~


  12. Sadly No....I use letters... pen just sort of slipped away from me. :( I need to start sending them again...I know it would give so much joy to someone. Your cards are lovely and it is nice to display them. Who knows...maybe your cards will start a card shower around blogland :)

  13. My grandmother always sent cards and letters -- but that was so long ago, before the internet took over everyone's lives and the art of writing has fallen to the wayside.I want to make a point of sending more cards all year long. A small gesture that lets someone know they are thought of in a very special way. :) Tammy
