Sunday, April 28, 2013

Peaceful, Gentle Candlelight

Flickering candles provide a peaceful and gentle atmosphere.

So today, I wish you some of that peace and gentleness.

The world can be so harsh, so unforgiving.

But we can choose, in our own, individual worlds, to be different.

In a way, our lives are somewhat like candlelight.

At times, they are strong and bright with light.

Then, they grow dimmer as they burn down yet still add light.

Throughout life, lighting a candle in church accompanied prayer.

Usually it was for a specific intention.

Today, that intention is peace and gentleness for you.



  1. Beautiful post today Susan, I burn candles almost every day, I find it cosy and comforting (in a way).
    Enjoy your Sunday

  2. A wonderful blessing you have given us :)Thank you.Denise

  3. I love the glow of candlelight, though we don't burn candles often here.

    I send wishes for a blessed Sunday!

  4. Susan you are such a blessing to me! I love candle light. I don't often burn candles but when I do they seem to bring magical light to my home.

  5. Candlelight is enchanting, isn't it? I especially love candlelight in the winter and on grey days; it adds light and (if we choose) fragrance. It makes a room cozy and peaceful.

    I remember going to church as a child and seeing all the candles lit for special intentions. On some occasions we were able to light a candle for our own special intention. Your pictures reminded me of that time in my life. Thanks.

    Peace be with you.

  6. That is beautiful!!!!!! No I do not burn candles as there is a 12 year old who loves to play with them. I do have those little flickering ones - and I have two that I never let go out - upstairs and down - it reminds me all I need is that much hope and faith.

    Love, sandie

  7. Love to burn candles, and even love to have little lights burning. It creates such a lovely, cozy, and soothing atmosphere to my home. Thank you for sharing you thoughts.

  8. Lovely candles and commentary, Susan.

  9. A lot of candles play up with my nose so no I don't very often burn them inside, outside is fine.

  10. Hi Susan ...... I don't burn candles but my Mum burns a candle every night while she says her prayers and has done this for many years....Mum lives with me and Hubby....maybe this counts as a house candle...
    Beautiful post...
    Hugs and Blessings
    Barb xx

  11. Our church does not have candles in it like where you live. I do not burn candles at my home often at all...I remember lighting them when I was a child in church and praying so hard for something.

  12. I do like candles and candle light as it gives that good feeling of hope and home. for me at least.

  13. Seldom. Although, I did all the time at every meal time when my boys were little.

    Will have to get back to it.

  14. Most every day I burn candles. Sometimes I'm in the mood for a . little candlelight and I use tea lights. Other times I pull out the three wick candles.

    It all depends on what kind of a day I've had!
