Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thankful for Life, Including Plants!

Developing gratitude for even the smallest of things has been a gradual process.

Truly, at this stage of  the game, I am deeply grateful for every breath of life.

So on this beautiful Sunday, I want to think about some things I'm grateful for.

Grateful for my darling sweet pea baby granddaughter who fills my heart to the very brim with love.

Grateful for my adult son and daughter and their spouses.

Grateful my husband is alive and well
 and planning lots of spring projects.
Grateful for good health, nice meals and sunlight.

One more thing, while visiting a middle school classroom recently, the beautiful flowering geranium shown in this post was blooming in a window.

 So I am very grateful for lovely plants like this and can hardly wait for farmers markets to open so I can buy some for the window boxes and front steps.

It's so good to be alive and so very, very gratifying to be thankful.



  1. It is amazing how little we really need I'm grateful for life without it nothing is possible.

  2. Hi Susan,I love plants too just today at the grocery store a wee hydrangea called my name:)but I am so thankful to have hydro back on here again..praying for others still out.
    Blessings my friend.

  3. Well, my first item of gratitude has to be for my salvation, which was purchased for me by Jesus Christ long ago! On a more "human" note, I will have to say today that I am thankful for a safe trip we took on Saturday, to another place nearly 200 miles away. The weather was perfect, the mountain views were breathtaking, and we were safe on the entire trip. Very late getting to bed now, but very thankful we were able to make the trip, as it was our oldest grandson's 15th birthday! Love that young man! :-)

  4. I am thankful for my pets! They are such a joy to us!

  5. Beautiful post. I am grateful for so many things. Most of all right now, that God is restoring my health. I wake up every day renewed after my surgery.

  6. I am grateful for friends like you, who bring me joy every day. xo Laura

  7. Hello from Spain: interesting message of thanks. I am also grateful to life and destiny for allowing me to meet my husband. He is the most wonderful person in the world. Plants also always bring joy and are a symbol of life. Keep in touch

  8. Hi Susan......I love this post.....I'm grateful for so many things apart from friends and family. One of these things is meeting lovely people like you, through blogging...
    Hugs and Blessings
    Barb xx

  9. Such a beautiful post Susan.I'm thankful that I can hear the birds sing :)Concerning what you asked about...I have no choice that I know of what advertisements show up on My blog.I o.k.d advertisements at first because I thought I may in the future accept mula for them,but My husband really doesn't want me to get involved due to privacy issues :/ Denise

  10. Thankful for the return of spring and for the little robin hoping around outside my window as I write this message. Thankful for the sunshine that is streaming through the same window. Thankful for living in a beautiful place where we are free to look out our windows in peace.

    Enjoy your day, Susan.


  11. I love geraniums, they remind me of my visit to Polly's Pancakes in Franconia Notch, NH. Their window boxes were overflowing with them.

  12. am so ready for flowers to begin this year! Happy Sunday....

  13. Hello, I think your “Thankful” list is a great way to give thanks on this spring Sunday. I think your blog is lovely and wanted to drop in to say hello.
    Happy Spring!

    the French Hutch

  14. I'm thankful for people like YOU who continue to make my day!

  15. Lovely geraniums! I always have a big pot of them outback, but sadly they do not make it through the winter here, so I need to go buy some new plants!!

  16. Hello Everyone!

    I sure hope you are each having a good Sunday!

    Now for the welcome trumpets! Ready?
    Tah tah tah tah tah tah!!!!! Welcome to Emily from the blog, The French Hutch.

    Thank you so much for following, Emily. You are this blog's 362nd Follower. So wonderful to have you.

    Stop by Emily's blog and say hello! You will be delighted with her posts.

    Sending hugs to all! Susan

  17. I am daily thankful for God's love, plus the fact that I wake up each morning.

  18. Other than God,family, friends, and good health I'm so grateful all our snow has melted! LOL!

  19. I am thankful that with all my allergies I can still have Disco. Sandie

  20. I am thankful that even if all the blooms make me sneeze, that Spring is beautiful this year!

    hugs, Linda
