Sunday, April 7, 2013

Today, on this lovely Sunday, my wish for you is to enjoy each moment and to find humor in the most unlikely places.

During the Easter season, I had a ceramic mama bunny reading to her baby bunny on the kitchen table.

Nearby was a little Beanie lambie pie.

One day I came into the kitchen and lambie pie's face was literally looking over the edge of mama bunny's  chair.

It was as if he wanted to read the story book, too.

Honestly, it struck me as so funny.   I cracked up laughing.

Honestly, I have no idea how that lambie pie moved over to bunny's chair!

Maybe my hubs did it for fun.

Regardless, the scene made me smile.

That's what I wish for you today. Humor in an unlikely place!



  1. Hi Susan ..... clever lambie pie.......this story made me laugh... hope it was your Hubs who moved little lambie pie.... hehehe..
    Barb xx

  2. Just leaving the computer when your blog showed up. You have Easter still up and I am glad because this is my favorite of all your bunnies. Anything with a book is great! I recently got a small book reading gorilla (mascot of PSU)which is for the deck this summer. ALMOST time to him out. A good Sunday to you to, Susan.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How cute! Yup, I suspect your husband too. Unless --- maybe little lambie can really move and you just don't know it! What a whimsical scene.

  5. Hello Miss Opera Singer - lol. I can relate to odd things happening here - I wonder if at times my grandson it trying to make me think I am crazy - he is always moving things. Thanks. sandie

  6. I love the scene too. Very cute. I especially like mama bunny reading to baby bunny. Reminds me of the Beatrix Potter books which have such comforting illustrations. Have a wonderful weekend.

  7. Susan,
    What a funny story. I bet your husband did that as a joke - it is something mine would do. This was certainly a delightful scene because when I saw it on my blog, I had to come over and take a closer look.

    I'm not doing anything fun this weekend. I'm getting over a bad cold, so just resting and drinking lots of hot tea. Me and husband may go for a walk tomorrow.

    I love your little bunnies.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  8. I would have smiled too. I will be spending the better part of the day with my mom. We will go grocery shopping and the to the yarn store. I will be smiling many times today for sure.

  9. What a sweet scene and if you could see me now, I am smiling:-D Have a joyous day, dear friend, XOXO

  10. Very cute Susan....I hope to get a good laugh today too!

  11. How sweet! And it made the perfect photo to share. I'm relaxing today. I hope I can drive over to the park and walk later! Happy Sunday!

  12. Looks like little lambie was needing a place to rest his chin, and that chair was quite handy! Very cute scene, Susan! :-)

  13. Hello from Spain: beautiful scene. You are very ingenious. Happy Sunday. Keep in touch

  14. I've been drawing most of the day, getting ready for bed shortly. Work again tomorrow...I love that mama bunny in the chair reading, adorable.
    Enjoy your day!

  15. So cute - brings a real smile on this beautiful Sunday!!

  16. We always enjoy the fellowship with friends at church, and today was no exception. Also enjoyed a visit with neighbors, then toured some new development in the community. I hope your Sunday was a good one.

  17. Hi Susan -

    Cute pic! I love reading/writing items. I have a Willow Tree figurine of a girl reading a book.

    Susan :)

  18. Cute picture, little things like this make me smile, too.
