Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tragedy in Boston

My heart, like so many others,  is very heavy as I write this.

The bombings during the Boston Marathon were devastating, horrendous and shocking .

A totally happy event on a holiday, Patriot's Day, was destroyed by one or more people with sick minds and evil hearts.

Why is there such evil in the world? Why?

 Why would someone want to cause chaos and fear at such a good and worthwhile event?

After listening and watching report after report of the devastating bombings on what should have been a totally wonderful vacation day, I went for a ride by myself.

As always, I drew close to a lake I love and found deep peace in a glorious sunset, shown in this post.

A couple of birds in flight, oblivious to wretched events happening in the world, were captured in some of the photos.

Then, I took the last photo of the tree against the sunset, right before driving into our driveway.

After seeing the splendor of nature, I felt better. 

All I could do was pray for those who had been touched by this latest act of evil. 

Pray for those who lost their lives.

Pray for those who lost limbs.




  1. absolutely numb at the moment...a girl from here ran and her mother to watch...they are okay...but, the world is small, what happens to others is really in our backyard...we simply MUST make better humans...forget the phone speed, the internet connections, the twitter accounts, the cameras in cars, the instant food, etc, etc...we need to make better, more compassionate humans.....

  2. So tragic,been thinking about you tonight.Find comfort, I have been in shock too.

  3. A very sad day. It must be even more so for you.

  4. My comfort is always found in my Heavenly Father, who sent His only Son to endure such persecution and pain that we will never comprehend on this side of Heaven. My first thought is always to pray for those who are affected by such tragedies, and to keep in mind that there will always be things we cannot understand, but God is always in control, and valuable lessons will always be learned by someone, even if we never hear about it. Praying for you, Susan, as this was very close to you. :-)

  5. Susan I was so shocked to see this on tv today.
    We have a whole lot of Aussie athletes who were there for the event, and we are all stunned and upset here too.
    It's hard to grasp the depth of hatred and violence that lies deep within some souls.
    So frightening.. and so very sad to us who know that Love is the only antidote to whatever drove someone to this heartless act.
    May God forgive them...
    And may He comfort the innocent who are hurting right now.
    blessings..Trish xx

  6. I'm very sorry to know that such things continue to happen on our planet... poor people and their loved ones! none of them even thought going to marathon that day that they would lose their lives... it is horrible and so so heart breaking...\you can't handle such news, they just come as shock and you feel helpless, don't you?

  7. So sad and crazy. My friend covered the tragedy for ABC news; she lives there. It was horrific. Pray, that's soemthing all of can do.

  8. Unspeakable.....I say my prayers and try not to watch too much TV. So close to home so scary.

  9. Hi Susan,
    Your blog is the first one I've come to today as I knew you would have posted something. I've not turned the tv on in weeks. I don't read the newspaper, so sadly, I didn't even know this happened until my boss wrote something up in Superintendent's Notes for all staff. Very sad indeed! Our Elementary Principal was to run the Boston Marathon 2 years ago at the age of 60 but had to drop out because his mother passed away suddenly. The organizers gave him a free pass for last year but he didn't do it as he and his wife moved to Korea for jobs there. I think Trish said it so well. I truly do not understand why people want to hurt each other. It really does not make any sense to me at all. Hugs and blessings, Tammy

  10. I heard about it on the radio on my drive home. Danny/husband has been tearing apart our bathroom and remodeling it so he knew nothing about it!! WHY??? I don't understand what good comes out of these kind of tragedies? Such a heavey heart today!! God Bless all those hurt.

  11. I don't understan how a person(s) can be driven to do such an act of pure evil to innocent people. We lived in Massachusetts and I went to Wellesley, where as a class we would cheer on the runners, encouraging them up the last of the big hills before heading towards the finish line.
    My heart goes out to all those affected by this act of violence and I pray for healing. XOXO

  12. I lift them all up to the Lord in prayer and hope that everlasting peace will fill all their souls.

  13. It's just a terrible tragedy, so unnecessary, so evil. My heart weeps in times like this. I pray for courage and strength for those who need it most.

  14. There is no explaining such an evil act; all the sadness and suffering cannot be put aside, but must be endured. We must think of all the goodness around us and not let this evil define us or it will win. Be grateful for the goodness and love that was shown again and again in the scenes from the tragedy. Pray for those who have lost loved ones.
    Pray for those who were hurt. Pray for peace in the world.

  15. Such shocking news, Susan. My thoughts and prayers are with those who were affected by yesterday's events in Boston.

  16. Like you said, I pray. I pray that God will comfort those affected by it in a mighty way!

  17. Though I feel shocked and saddened, I have a renewed determination welling up within me to not allow these terrible people to deter me one little bit in my effort to live a loving and courageous life.

  18. Oh Susan - I know that is a tough one for us and it has to be tougher for you! I really don't know what to say. I just pray. Hugs. sandie

  19. Juat an unspeakable act in our city and on our marathon and on our holiday. Prayers for the victims. Turns out I know two of them. So incredibly sad.

  20. Yes, prayer - heartsick for those affected.

  21. I live in Florida now but I was born in Boston and my entire family live there.

    I was in a panic all that day after turning on my TV and hearing the aweful news.

    I spent hours trying to contact my very large family.

    I'm sick over this. So Sad

  22. Evil brings about depravity....cold hearts. We live in a new world...but there is still beauty about us. The Lord tells us not to worry about these things as we see the the time of the Lords return. We are to keep our focus on Him, stay in prayer and think upon the good things. Like you a peaceful drive soothe's my soul.

  23. Hi Susan,

    Boston is such a historic city, a city of students and scholars, a city to be proud of and when such tragedy occurs, it is very difficult to find words to express the heaviness and sorrow in our hearts. We pray for all the victims and their loved ones.

