Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmasy Dining Room

As soon as the Thanksgiving dishes were washed, out came the Christmas tree dishes!

Traditions die hard in this house.

About 30 years ago, I bought the first pieces of my beloved Nikko dishes. 

They are so pretty and festive.

I added to the set every year.

It's true that I like to keep the dining room table set all through the month of December.

As soon as we eat in there and the dishes are washed, the table is re-set.

(The silverware hadn't been added to the table when these photos were taken.)

This year I added the red goblets for water that I searched high and low for!

Now that room is just about done so it's on to the rest of the house!  Woo hoo.



  1. Beautiful C'mas tablescape. I love the pretty runner and lovely crystal centerpiece bowl. Have a nice first week of December.

  2. I have a special tablecloth that belonged to my grandmother I use every christmas but this year we are having Christmas dinner at my daughters so I will have to take it with me.

  3. Paper plates are just fine! Haha:)

  4. Hello from Spain: I also use a special dishes for Christmas. Also I have a tablecloth and napkins with Christmas designs. I love your table and accessories. Keep in touch

  5. I'm telling you! You really should have your own bed and breakfast. Beautiful.

  6. I do NOT have special dishes for Christmas....often have been tempted though!

    I like the idea of leaving the table set and think that (as soon as I get mine cleared off - yes, it has become a dumping ground - I will do the same!

    Yours is simply beautiful, Susan! I agree with Linda's comment...

  7. Very festive, Susan! Like you, out came my Christmas dishes, and the dining room table will be set all during Christmas as well. That is about all that has been done here - except for the wreath on the front door. Little by little, it will be done!

  8. Like you, dear Susan, I fell in love with a set of Christmas dishes about the same time as you did. I chose Spode's Christmas Tree and bought a starter set. Through the years relatives have given me gifts of different pieces from the pattern and I have added pieces as well. I do think I also have the very same red goblets! But then, I also have the coordinating glassware for the pattern. Just call me Christmas crazy! Your table is so pretty.

  9. Very festive table; nice idea to keep it set all through December.

    I do have special Christmas dishes that my mother-in-law bought for me many, many years ago. When she passed away, I inherited her set of the very same dishes and so now I have 2 sets of the dishes. On December 1st I put away my fall dishes that I display in my kitchen plate rack and put up the Christmas dishes. I only use them throughout the month and really enjoy seeing them again.

  10. I love your Nikko china and the red goblets look pretty with them.

    I use my red and white transferware or Friendly village dishes at Christmas.


  11. No Christmas dishes in this house...I use my Bavarian Rose China dishes for every special occasion and other than that I use paper plates like Babs..ha ha ha. Your table looks divine!

  12. Hi Susan,
    Your table looks so festive. Love the red and that punch bowl! Wow!
    You'll want to check out my latest post,it has minis in it. :)
    Happy Monday!

  13. I do love Christmas dishes. When my kids were young I used some gift money and bought a small set of Christmas tree dishes from Belks Dept Store. I guess over the years and moves they have moved on to another home but I now have new to me dishes I use each year. I found a cute set of Santa dishes I am giving to Sara to use for the holidays. She is so happy and told me the family Christmas dishes were a great childhood memory she wants to use in her home also. Nice!

  14. I love your table!!! And I like that it is decorated already - so do you use it more than once? And i love to use Christmas dinnerware - I forgot the name of mine - but I have some too. Love it. sandie

  15. So pretty, Susan. Every year I tell myself I'm buying Christmas dishes. Maybe this year.

  16. Love your table...would love to come for lunch tomorrow!!! Smile. I too keep table set or partially set...always ready for the next thing!

  17. Susan,
    I have RED dishes all year long, so they really go well at Christmas time. Your dining room table looks so lovely. The red glasses add a special touch. I love seeing pictures of the home, and hope that you show some more of your decorating. I'll be showing our Christmas trees soon.


  18. If I set the table here and left it out, everything would be filled with dust in no time. Your dining room is lovely. Best wishes, Tammy

  19. I love your table!!! And I like that it is decorated already - so do you use it more than once? And i love to use Christmas dinnerware - I forgot the name of mine - but I have some too. Love it. sandie

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