Saturday, January 11, 2014

Rain, Rain, Snow Away

 Writing down tasks that need to be done is one way to assure that they will, eventually, get accomplished.

There's something motivational about getting things in writing.                                                                                      
 One item added to my long list is "Bring down some Valentine decor from the attic."

I have no idea how soon that will happen but it's in writing so it's an almost done deal!

It's a fact I like to decorate for holidays  in advance in order to stretch them out as much as possible. 

However,  I don't like seeing, for example, Christmas decor in September or Easter in February.  That's a little too much in advance.

With Valentine's Day in mind, I threw all caution to the wind and designed the new header of this blog.

My daughter had written down instructions on how to do it so, following them, step by step, line by line, I plunged ahead.

While I love to write and take photos, the technical aspects of computers scare the wits out of me!  

It's not perfect but it's done and I let out a few big screams of delight when that final button got pushed!

Today rain is forecast so the snow will be all melted.  Hurray!

That's fine with me as long as it doesn't freeze and turn into sheer ice!



  1. On dark days I light candles, turn on small lamps with low-wattage bulbs, and turn on the gas logs in the fireplace. This always cheers me up. Because of that I don't really mind "gloomy" days. This a.m. we have a foot of snow in the yard, it's raining and foggy. Bring it on :-)
    P.S. Love your new header.

  2. Your new header is very nice! I have thought of changes, but stayed with the "not broke, don't fix" school of thought.

    I am writing again which is I am not interesting in changing décor at moment. Have snowmen and a few reds about...will wait for spring burst to put out pinks and yellows I guess. Have a good weekend, Susan!

  3. We are having a rainy day here. I have never been especially disturbed by rain and clouds. Each day is a blessing from God, and it represents another opportunity to show love to others.

  4. No rain where I live and we really need it. Sunshine every day...on occasion when it does rain I love to make some kind of soup and then sit by the fireplace and eat it.

  5. Hello from Spain: I like the new picture in the header of your blog. Very romantic. I see you're already thinking about Valentine. Great heart. In my town it rains almost every day ... It is one of the rainiest areas of my country. I live in the north. Weare already accustomed to rain and we make a normal life. Keep in touch

  6. We have a lot of sunshine here sometimes too much but winter can be dark and dull for many days and i just like to curl up with a soft blanket and a good book.

  7. I love your new header, Susan.
    Gloomy days and I don't go well together so I turn all the lights on in the house to make myself feel better... drives my Mum crazy.. hehehe
    Thanks for saying how you followed your daughter's instructions to do your header....I have to refer to the book where I've written down everything that I've been told about computers, often.... I always think everyone else in Blog Land is a whiz with computers.....
    Hugs and Blessings
    Barb xxx

  8. I love your new header girl - but then I love hearts and Valentines too. Just something makes you feel good about things. Brings color into a dreary day.

    So how is your throat?

    Did the snow melt? Any ice?

    I buy these little candles with batteries and light things up!

    Love, sandie

  9. First of all, I noticed the new header right away and I really love it! Good Job! It's been dreary here, but a dinner with my family always makes me happy!

  10. Always light some candles on dreary days and enjoy just being inside where it's warm and cheery. Also, having dinner with friends is always a good way to brighten up a dreary day.

    Love the hearts theme on your new header. Hope you sore throat is gone and you are feeling much better.

  11. You're a brave soul, Susan! I found someone to revamp my blog. Just figuring out what I wanted was daunting enough.

    I also am a list person. I'd never get anything done without them.

  12. I am one of those strange creatures that loves rainy and snowy days. We had such a day today and I nested and enjoyed my hot cider, a little baking and a good book. Heaven. :) Kit

  13. Oh what a beautiful heart wreath! Perfect to enjoy through valentines day. Our snow is gone after heavy rain yesterday and today. Terrible icy mess yesterday.

    I am a list maker too but sure wish it wasn't so long :)

  14. Oh how did i forget to mention how pretty your new banner is!

  15. Your header is pretty and your spirit contagious. I leave my snowman wreath on the door until mid January, then I hang a plaque that reads LET IT SNOW... SOMEWHERE ELSE! Two weeks later I hang my heart wreath, which stays until December.

  16. A good book, a favorite TV show, an old quilt, and comfort foods. That's how it's done around here.

    Love your header!
