Monday, February 17, 2014

The Joys of Friendship

Remember in December there were guest posts from Jana, a dear friend in Georgia? 

(You can read a couple,  here and here.)

Jana and I became friends when we were just teenagers.

Her aunt lived in my hometown and Jana and her family spent vacations there.

They lived in Georgia.

 After college graduation, I flew  from Arizona to Georgia to be in her wedding.

We wrote to each other for years. Every sweet letter I received, penned in her beautiful writing, brought me joy.

Then, as things happen in life, we somehow drifted apart.

However, last year, after 44 years, Jana "found" me again. 

She wrote a "real" letter, hoping I was the same Susan she knew from so long ago.

Renewing the friendship of a beloved friend is one of life's very precious extra gifts.

Jana is very talented and artistic.

 The Valentine's Day card she sent me she even made! 

 It was the most beautiful card I received!

She also must have spent dozens of hours making the cross-stitch bookmark that came with the card.

What a girl!



diane.stetson said...

What makes friendship special? A friend is someone you can tell anything too with trust and love. They stand by you, sympathize with you and go places with you. They are always there when you need them. I love my dear friends. I have no family where I live so my friends are very special to me! Love the home made Valentine!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet story of friendship. A friend is someone who even after a long time of being apart, you can just pick up where you left off!
Lovely card and cross stitch.

Kit said...

Oh how lovely! Friendship to me doesn't mean always hanging out, but being there when it really matters. :) Kit

Karen Lange said...

It's so nice that you connected again! A friend is a treasure, that is for sure. I'm sure you'll enjoy many more years of wonderful friendship. :)

KathyB. said...

True friends are able to pick up where they left off as if no time has gone by. A beautiful card , a good friend !

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: true friendship is that although we have no contact over the years, a call, a letter keeps us friends. Jana is a great friend. She is also a great artist. Keep in touch.

Susan said...

I have two dear friends, one I met in first grade, the other in second. Although, we are miles apart, we have always stayed in touch. This is a special bond you have found again, XOXO

Linda @ A La Carte said...

How wonderful to have a renewed friendship! I think a friendship is trust and care for each other.
hugs, Linda

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

Friends are the chocolate chips in the cookies of life. I don't know who said that, but it rings fairly true.

Tessa~ Here there be musing said...

How wonderful, to have had such a pen pal.

And how wonderful, to have found each other again.

You two are so lucky...

Chatty Crone said...

I think her spending so much time - looking for you - writing you - and then making a cross stitch pretty much sums it up! That was wonderful. sandie

marianne said...

Friends add so much to life, don't they?. To hear from an old friend as you did and to receive gifts, how fun!

If you have friends for a long time they become just like family.

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