Sunday, December 31, 2023

Paper Whites and Amaryllis


Before Christmas, 2023, while shopping in a big box store, I found paper white bulbs and amaryllis bulbs for sale.

They were in boxes and not yet showing any signs of green.

They were both under $10 and my thinking was that they'd make great gifts----- for me! ha ha ha

Truly, while looking for all kinds of gifts for others, would it be criminal to buy something I love for myself?

If it was a crime, "GUILTY" was my plea.

Once home in the apartment, and placed in containers that were provided with soil,  they took their places on a little marble-topped table.

I watered them just a little bit as the thought of drowning them before they even grew was unpleasant.

Day by day, I checked for any signs of life. 

At last, one day, the paper whites showed a teeny tiny bit of green.

Within a couple of days, WOW!, they grew like crazy. 

Tall green stalks promised soon-to-be flowers.

Sure enough, lovely white flowers have appeared and I've whispered to them and gently kissed them daily.

Amaryllis has grown about an inch so looks like she's going to show her fancy pink blossom in the new year. 

That's okay with me. I'm just glad the two plants are alive and filled with promise, kinda like my own life!

A little Santa figure has watched the plants grow but he is soon to be put into a box to wait for Christmas, 2024.


1 comment:

  1. No I've never grown them and I do not have a green thumb at all. I have two house plants only. One in the family room and one in the living room. I've had them over five years and can't believe they are still alive.
