Friday, January 19, 2024

A Fancy Paperwork Storage Solution


The table near the lounge chair where a lot of time is spent, began to look like a cluttered mess.

Covered with mail, bills, notebooks, address book, and on and on, it finally became impossible to see any surface of the table.

One of the major drawbacks of living in a small apartment is having very little storage space. 

Something had to be done about the clutter pile-up, however, as it made me very uncomfortable and unhappy.

 So, off to a big, popular crafts store I went.

In a very short time, a beautiful box with a top, covered with white and pink flower patterned paper, just about jumped into the cart.


The notebooks, paperwork, and all the other clutter are now stored in the purchased box as well as two other boxes that were in the apartment.

The pink and white flower-covered container is truly lovely and looks great in the living room.

It helped solve the problem and now, the surface of the side table can be seen once again.


  1. Oh very nice Susan. I love the box. I keep all my things in notebooks in my spare bedroom on a shelf there. Love your idea though.

  2. That's a great way to organize notes and cards and such. Your little box with the pink roses is pretty, Susan, and looks like You! Those craft stores are such a delight, and I visited Michael's when I was in So Cal. It was such a treat for me browsing through all the isles. It's nice that you have your table all cleared out and organized. I've been doing the same around here. : )


  3. It sure says Susan on it!
