Sunday, January 14, 2024

Onward and Upward Toward 2024



Most Christian churches are taking down (or have already taken down) decorations pertaining to Christmas.

Some leave the altar decor up for a few more weeks.


It's sad to see the manger scenes dismantled since they are so beautiful to observe.

The photos shown in this post are from St. Ann's Church in a small town in Western Massachusetts.

The altar has been ablaze with poinsettias, especially red ones.


The large manger scene, located to the right of the altar, fills onlookers with awe.  

It is hard to keep tears from filling eyes upon looking at the image representing the precious Christ Child.


 It brings the true meaning of Christmas to reality. 

It is heartwarming to see little children looking into the manger.

That scene also instills a feeling of all is right with the world.


Now, as we move forward in time, we look forward to pressing onward and upward into 2024, to see what wonders and experiences are ahead.


  1. The Church alter is beautiful, Susan. I always love to see the alters at different Churches decorated for Christmas and Easter. There is a lady that decorates at my Church, and she does a really nice job. Sometimes she will put real fabric over the statue of Mary, it's just beautiful. I hope the new year brings goodness your way, dear friend.


  2. Love the decorations that are displayed at this lovely church. Seems a shame that they are only there for the holiday season.
