Monday, January 29, 2024

Rosy Similarities

Roses in a crystal vase are hard to beat for instant beauty and recognizing one of the finer things in life.

While enjoying pink roses in a favorite cut glass/crystal round vase, the thought came to mind that life, itself, is like roses.

There are beautiful, soft, and delicate times when everything seems utterly fabulous.

But, just like with roses, there are thorny times when it's harder to find the blossoms.  

Instead, we feel just pain.

In the end, however, the inner loveliness of roses wins.

They are velvety and stunning in their beauty, just like life can be.

All we, as humans, need to do is cherish the good times and smell the delicate fragrance of the roses. 

Life is good, thanks to God who created all.



  1. I have often compared my life with the roses, Susan.....beautiful flowers that bloom, but sometimes those thorny happenings come around that we have to deal with. But God sees us through every time. It's funny that you mention this, as we do often think alike. Your pink roses are so pretty. Pink is a good color for Valentine's Day too.

    Your Sunday reflection posts are just so special.


  2. Roses are pink Violets are blue
    I like how you think and make us think too. Very pretty!
