Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Bunny Wreath

Easter is around the corner.                                                        

During this holy season, I have always loved to decorate in anticipation of Easer.

Unfortunately, all of the Easter season decor is still in storage,  since the apartment where I currently live has almost no storage. 

So, this season, making do is the order of the day.

Luckily, last year's bunny wreath, which I fell in love with at first sight, is available and now hanging on the apartment entrance door.

It could use a nice pink bow with long tails but, otherwise, it makes me happy to see it when driving in front of the apartment.

One of my grandsons makes me chuckle all the time. 

He pointed out that none of the wreath bunnies has a face.

"That's because they are on their tummies,"  I told him.

He quickly added that has no relevance to the faceless bunnies on the wreath because, "I looked underneath."  They are faceless.

Talk about the wisdom of kids! 


  1. Oh Yes, kids know the truth always, and I just read a wonderful quote about that recently. With or without a face, your bunny wreath is the cutest thing, Susan. I remember it from last year. It's so cheerful with all the colors in the rainbow. Such a delightful wreath. I can see how it would make you happy when you see it from your driveway. It's simple and just so cute. Doesn't need a thing added.

