Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Savor the Memories...

Easter, 2024, has come to an end but the memories made will last, perhaps, forever.

Isn't that what holidays are all about? 

Holidays give us the chance to make  special memories that will remain in the psyches and hearts of especially children but of adults, as well.

Attending the many church services throughout Holy Week, the week leading to Easter,  helps to strengthen our faith and remember the sacrifice of death made by Jesus for His children on earth.

Knowing He rises from the dead after three days brings joy to the hearts of Christians.

On Easter Sunday, those lucky enough to have an Easter meal with family and friends, are especially blessed.

Three of my five beloved grandchildren live close by so Easter dinner at their house turned out to be a beautiful affair.

Their parents put together a delicious ham dinner with mashed potatoes and candied carrots. 

My contributions included ginger chicken wing appetizers,  traditional Easter homemade cheese braids, and two boxes of every assortment of chocolates imaginable.

A sister brought her delicious apple pie, ready to be piled with mounds of real whipped cream.

The hostess (my daughter) set a lovely, pastel table, with fresh flowers and floral plates in different shades and colors.

After enjoying the very ample lunch, we were blessed to sit outside in brilliant sunshine.

A couple of eagles swooped through the sky and birds chirped beautiful songs.

My heart filled to the rim with gratitude for being able to have another Easter to remember.

I kept warm thoughts in my heart of my son, daughter-in-law, and two out-of-the-state precious grandchildren.(I miss them terribly, as well as my beloved late husband.)

Nevertheless, for a few brief hours, on Easter Sunday, in March of 2024, all was very right with the world.



  1. Lovely pictures Susan. I know you enjoyed being with your family. I'm grateful to have been with mine too and also to sing with the choir at church. It was raining here but we had a lovely dinner and I brought deviled eggs as my contribution.

  2. What a lovely Easter meal you had, Susan. Your daughter made is so special. The ginger chicken wings sound delicious, and your sister's apple pie with whipped cream sounds like the perfect dessert to end the meal.

    It was a nice small meal with just me and my son. But in just a few weeks, I will embrace all the family, and those babies. : )

