Sunday, July 21, 2024

New Day of Life, New Day to Cherish

 If there's one thing to be learned in life, even as one enters the winter of one's years on earth, it's that each new day is something to be cherished.

It's so easy to feel one's self falling into the doldrums.  

 Life can be so difficult, at times, and on those days, giving up may seem like the best option.

But, this, too, shall pass.  Nothing ever stays the same forever.

Each day one gets up, takes a deep breath, and gives thanks to the Creator for a brand new day of life, is a good day!

Enjoy each moment.



  1. What a pretty rose in that glass vase, Susan. Yes, some days are just difficult. Yesterday, I had to deal with my son's flat tire and had to get it replaced with a new one. Wanted to help him out while he was working. But this is a new day, and I thank the Lord that He's right there helping me through the troubling days. I always love your Sunday posts, dear friend.


  2. Absolutely.... a beautiful Sunday post. A quick sale of our grandson's home would bring me much joy! He has been transferred on his job and their house needs to sell quickly. I am truly thankful for every new day! Happy Sunday Susan.

  3. I am having a dear friend over for lunch. We will play a Scrabble game and watch a movie on Netflix and just chat. That will make me happy. Also putting on my air conditioner in this 90 degree weather.
