Sunday, August 11, 2024

Weekend Wonders


Beginning each morning thanking God for another day of life helps believers realize how lucky they are.

We have a new chance to get it right.

To start over and make a difference in the world.

To touch someone's heart or ease an aching spirit.

 Also, it's good to recognize when the Lord gives us even the tiniest of our desires.

When things like that happen, some people call them "God winks."

Recently, I envisioned a pretty doily on a table in the apartment living room. 

Wouldn't you know it that at a church yard  sale this weekend, I found a really beautiful, hand-crocheted doily.

All I could think of is how lovely it was and how many hours of work went into its creation.

How amazing it came to my attention when looking in a box at the sale. 

That, I believe, is a God-wink!

Washed and even starched, the doily's price was 50 cents.

Thanks, dear Lord. And, thanks, too, for another day of life.



  1. I had a lovely pedicure yesterday with my favorite color . Coral. That was my God wink.

  2. This is a great post. This is awesome that you found the perfect doily for just the perfect spot. God loves to give us desires in our hearts. A couple of weeks ago, I was desperately looking for a paper that I needed. I had looked for what seemed most of the morning. I just stopped looking, sat down and ask God to please let his favor be with me. I began looking again for the paper, and as I looked in a file for the second time, there was the paper. God gave me a big wink that day.

  3. Oh, this doily is so lovely that you came across at the yard sale, Susan. It really stands out on your table. I'm always amazed when I see crocheted doilies, as the time spent creating them is so special. Your lamp looks really pretty sitting on there also. Isn't that wonderful that you have been thinking of a doily to put on your table, and then one day you found one! And I love your words.....also, it's good to recognize when the Lord gives us even the tiniest of our desires.

    Well, the other day I was concerned about this or that, and a dove flew right on my lawn. I felt the Holy Spirit was with me. And guess what? As I'm looking out my window right now and typing, a dove flew on my lawn again to say hello this morning. : )

    Have a good week ahead, Susan.

