Slices of life, both written and photographed.

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Fixing Angel Wings



One of my favorite gold colored angels lost her wings.

They snapped right off.

As it is, the horn she's supposed to be playing is missing, too.

Try as I may, the glue used to put the wings back didn't work.

A stronger glue seemed to be needed.

So off to the pharmacy it was, to get a glue replacement.

The strong glue purchased stated on the container that it could hold an object up to 100 pounds.

Angel girl weighs a tiny fraction of that figure.

 Getting the wings positioned turned out to be a mega challenge.

The glue, however, melded two fingers together quickly. That required a run to the sink, squirting on liquid soap, running everything under water, soaking the melded fingers in more water, and finally getting them apart. It was less than a pleasant experience.

The wings remained severed.

Sooooo, after carefully pouring on more super glue, and  holding the wings tightly against angel's back, furiously avoiding the scary glue,  the wings finally stuck.

It's a good thing, too, because angel girl was about to go permanently without wings.  They were headed for the trash.

This project turned out to be frustrating to the max as well as scary for the fingers.  

Whew!  Angel girl is part of this year's nativity scene which will be shown in another blog post.


diane stetson said...

Oh Susan I think I would have trashed it instead of trying to fix it. I do not like working with glue at all. Good for you. Now you can have that angel part of your Christmas decorations. Good job.

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh Susan, I have done that as well with the super glue, and even when you think you got it all, it feels unpleasant on the fingers afterwards. I remember angel girl, and I'm so glad you found a way to glue her wings back in place. She is beautiful to put out at Christmas. I already decorated for Christmas too. I look forward to seeing yours.


Debby said...

I’m sorry but I had to smile - been there, done that! I use polish remover and super glue comes off immediately. The very first time I did that, I didn’t know what to to do. Funny now.
It’s hard to glue teeny tiny pieces! You did well.

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