Sunday, November 24, 2024

Sunday Thoughts


Here we are, on the Sunday before Thanksgiving Day.

Most of us have soooooo much to be thankful to God for.

Places to live, healthy children, laughter, food every day, ability to pay our bills, looking forward to Thursday and then to Christmas.

And, of course, we are thankful for faith that helps us, more than anything else,  along our life journeys.

The little angel at the top of this post reminds me to remember the reason for the Christmas season, our Lord, Jesus.

He is also the greatest giver on Thanksgiving. 

I hope your Sunday, and both holidays ahead, are super blessed. 


  1. The little angel is cute, the lamb on the other hand has a weird look on his face, like he's had too much alcohol or weed.

  2. The same to you Susan, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  3. I always appreciate your Sunday posts. And that little angel is precious. Snowbabies remind me of my sister, she's always loved them. Yes, so much to be thankful for.

