Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Keep It Simple (and Comfy)

Whether it's part of getting older or just a way to deal with winter nights is unsure.

After being out a good portion of the day, coming home delights.

Once inside the door, it's comforting to put on warm pjs, make a light supper, and settle down in a remote lounge chair.

Switched on is a heated lap blanket. Personally, putting it on "high," to make it as warm as possible, is a nightly occurrence.

The apartment temp is kept low to try and save money.

At least three candles are switched on, too.  The flames on these looks incredibly real.

Some nights, sorting files is in order or working on budgeting, making-out greeting cards, or writing gmails.

Almost nightly, a search goes on for a good Netflix movie and there are some great ones there.

The night passes quickly and in total comfort, and with a grateful heart for so many blessings, soon it's time to get under the warm covers and pray for sleep.



  1. My nightly ritual all year round is an evening walk to feed the kitties in my neighborhood and then straight back home, a bath or shower and straight into pajamas as soon as possible. We are early sleepers around here. :)

  2. I usually take a hot shower and get on my pajamas before I have dinner. Then I can get all cozy and call it a night early. I don't do this in the summer when it doesn't get dark until 9:00 but in the winter that's my routine.

  3. I suppose you could say I do have a nightly ritual. Jeopardy, Wheel of fortune, whatever we are watching on Netflix, shower, prayers and bed. Sounds kinda boring but during the winter months, this is my comfy evenings.

  4. I also have a light supper and go right on my couch and watch TV shows I love. I have a warm throw I put on too even though we do not have it as cold as you do where I live. I always go to bed at the exact time every night...ten thirty p.m. That is my routine.

  5. Yes, I think as we get older, we like our routines. Your candles look so nice and cozy around your home, Susan. Well, I usually try to find a good movie on Netflix or Tubi, make something to eat before bed, take a quick shower, and It's been so cold here, so I put on my very warm soft pjs. I have three heaters going at night time, so the bill in winter is quite expensive. ; )

