Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Ash Wednesday


Today is Ash Wednesday on the Christian calendar.

It marks the beginning of Lent, the time prior to glorious Easter.

It's usually a time of sacrifice of some kind and not indulging in everything one wants.

During the days of Lent, I like to start decorating for Easter. 

However, most of my decorations are still in plastic totes in a rented storage unit. 

It is with hope in my heart that the Easter totes will be found.

In the meantime, the kitchen rack has gotten a head start with colored bunnies, a gold one, and other little doodads. There's still lots of room left though. So, hope springs eternal.

At the top of the rack is a colorful cloth rooster and chicken.

I wish that chicken could lay some eggs, given the cost of them in the supermarket. 

May your day be blessed to the max.


  1. I don’t have many Easter decorations - only spring. Those spring chickens are adorable!

  2. I have not put anything out for Easter yet. The little decorations you've started with are very cute. I hope you find your bin with other things you want to include . Six weeks till Easter now and a time change this weekend. Enjoy.

  3. Oh, I hear ya, Susan, I just went to the grocery store, and eggs were $9! I do hope you get some of your Easter stuff out of storage so you can decorate. In the meantime, your colorful bunnies are sweet, and that little bunny keepsake box is soooo cute. Looks like it's from the Snowbabies collection. Have a splendid week, dear Susan.


  4. Looking bright and (Bunny) around your place. Looks so nice Susan. I do have a few things out....guess I need to add the rest.
