Sunday, February 5, 2012

Beauty in the Late Afternoon

It was late afternoon and I was returning home from a lecture.

The air felt cold but there was no snow anywhere.  This has not been a typical New England winter, including this day. 

The whole winter has been different---almost snow less---tangible proof of global warming.

The route home meandered up and down hills toward a lake. As I turned the car to the right, the black silhouettes of towering trees against a pink background made a stunning painting in the sky. 

As I pulled the car over to the side of the road to take photographs, I could almost feel tears stinging my eyes.  Such wondrous vistas of nature do that to me.

Does that ever happen to you?  Do you ever feel overwhelmed with the intensely beautiful  gifts of nature our Creator has given so freely to humans?

Driving ahead, the car crested another hill.  The sky above the distant lake opened up and poured out buckets of gold, orange, pink, and violet.

Once again, I wanted to just drink in the magnificence of the scene.

Driving closer to the lake, one could see black outlines of brave ice fishermen out on the surface of the frozen lake. Unfortunately, I was unable to stop the car again to get their photo so you'll have to imagine it!

Molten gold continued to pour across the heavens, creating a stunning backdrop in every direction.

Before long, I was home. The wondrous colors of the sky melted into night . My heart felt so filled with gratitude for being alive and part of this planet earth.



Susan said...

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have a really good Sunday, from morning til night.

Sending out the welcome mat for Shabbychicdiva, this blog's 266th Follower! Welcome and come to visit often.

Hugs to all. Susan

Bookie said...

Beautiful to see this morning. You are right, unusual winter everywhere. We have had no snow yet in Missouri, our part anyway. Strange, strange....

Rebecca said...

What beautiful, beautiful sites you've captured with your camera. I don't have a "good" camera. I've stopped the car a few times this week to take pictures of the snow that clung to the trees. With sun shining on them and the blue sky behind them--they were WONdrous!

As beautiful as pictures can be, there is still a "living" dimension that is always missing...Still I am almost desperate to try to hold on to the beauty as long as I can.

Chatty Crone said...

That could actually be Heaven right here on earth. sandie

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Beauty in nature is God showing me love!

diane stetson said...

Love to see any sunset, ocean waves, or rainbow in the sky..those are my favorites.Your pictures are just great Susan!

Anonymous said...

Hi Susan, I love those pictures. Nature is gorgeous isn't it? Sitting at a lake an early morning, sun is rising and an elk is swimming across the lake, that is breath taking for me ^_^. I love the wild nature.
Have a great day!

middle child said...

Yes. Yes. And yes. I get/have the same feelings that you do. I feel sad for people who do not notice the beauty. Thanks for sharing these photos.

Dayle ~ A Collection of Days said...

God's handiwork in nature often leaves me breathless, Susan. I just stare in awe and thanksgiving. Love the views you captured here.

nannykim said...

There is so much of nature that takes one breath away---from the tiniest of things to the giant things in the universe. It is an outstanding place we live in.....we have had a very warm winter..but these sometimes alternate with very cold ones!

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