Friday, January 17, 2014

"Permanent" Lace Chargers

The other day at Michaels while buying rose garlands on sale,  some "permanent" white lacy plate chargers caught my eye.

They were on sale for $2.99 each.

Picking one up, I got a closer look at it and loved it.

It had nice detail and could serve as a permanent doily beneath a plate!

That little inside voice that convinces us to make impulse purchases (do you know the voice I'm talking about?) zoomed in.

      "Oh, those would be perfect for Valentine's Day but you could use them year round. They are adorable."

                     (My late godmother collected these years ago during a supermarket promotion.)

They were, indeed, darling and six of them found their way into my shopping cart, along with the rose garlands.

 (This is a set of  charming Bavarian china that my daughter and son-in-law bought me in Goodwill.)

Isn't that amazing?

Back home, I tried various dishes on top of the chargers and loved the way all of them looked.

 (A dear friend gifted me with  her plain cobalt blue plates when I made our kitchen blue and yellow.)

But top prize went to the Old Country Roses dishes. 

 What could be more dreamy than roses and lace?

                         (These are my favorite dishes, bought for me by my daughter one Mother's Day.)

 Today we are joining Thrifty Things Friday on Diann's blog The Thrifty Groove. Her co-host is Linda from A La Carte.
Thanks for hosting, girls!



Linda @ A La Carte said...

I love chargers and these are so pretty! I may have to make a trip to Michael's and buy some! All the plates look fabulous on them too!! Thanks for linking to TTF!

Heirloom treasures said...

Susan they are so pretty. The first time I saw them was a couple of years ago on the blogs from the US. I had never seen them here. I hunted high and low to find some gold ones for my Christmas table and finally found 6 only at K mart for $2each. I was ecstatic. When I used them on the table,everyone thought them a great idea instead of table mats.
Then I wanted some silver ones,but could never find any,so I bought white plastic platters and spray painted them.
Recently I have started to see them in the Home shops for $4.99 each. We take so long in Australia to catch on to anything. I think its because we are so far away.
Anyway now I've rambled on for too long,yes I love them and will definitely be on the lookout for some as pretty as yours. xx

Linda O'Connell said...

Those are so pretty. I think I will now have to go make a purchase.

Unknown said...

I never use chargers, but these looks gorgeous and are very decorative! Enjoy your weekend

Nellie said...

I've never used chargers of any sort on my table. Yours looks very pretty and gives just the perfect touch!

Bookie said...

Oh yes, I do love these! Everything looks good on them! I must see if I can find any around here.

diane.stetson said...

Never had chargers but yours look great! Enjoy them on Valentine's day and all year round.

Unknown said...

Hello from Spain: I like very much. Perfect for Valentines's day. Keep in touch

My Cozy Corner said...

Thanks for visiting My Cozy Corner. I love your blog. We have so many things in common. I will be following your blog. Your blog is going on my sidebar so I'll be checking your posts. Happy blogging!
Betty @ My Cozy Corner

Jeannie Marie said...

I collected those same dishes, originally from a bank promotion in 1971. A place setting for four when you opened an account. I got 4 place settings and my mother in law bought all the serving pieces for me. Alas, one time when we moved with a moving company, this box of dishes disappeared. I was heartbroken. I loved seeing them again today!

Dee said...

They are so cute...and look perfect with your decor.

Susan said...

Hello to Jeannie Marie, this blog's newest Follower!

Thanks for Following, Jeannie Marie. Hope to see you stop by often.

And here's to the weekend, everyone! Have a wonderful one! Hugs to all, Susan

Jeannie Marie said...

Thank you Susan! I'm living in Florida now. I was in Louisville, KY when I had the dishes, but it was a move from Evansville, IN to Kokomo, IN where I lost them just a couple of years later. Thanks for the sweet comment and the follow!

Chatty Crone said...

I saw these on another blog - I have to stop and get me some. They are very pretty. sandie

Unknown said...

Love it with the cobalt blue dish they are what I have will be searching for some of those chargers myself

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